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Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

Template Toko Online Blogspot Gratis

template toko online blogspot
Menggunakan Template Toko Online blogspot terkadang orang beranggapan bahwa pemilik toko online tersebut tidak serius dalam membuat toko online atau berbisnis online, kenapa demikian? Mungkin dilihat dari tampilan template yang serba biasa dan dengan fitur seadanya layaknya blog, di-samping itu juga banyaknya CMS gratis Toko Online yang bertebaran dan sangat mudah didapat di internet seperti Joomla dengan virtuemartnya, Prestashop, open chart, osCommerce, dan lain-lain.

Akhir-akhir ini banyak Template toko online blogspot berbayar maupun gratis yang di modifikasi layaknya template toko online berbasis CMS (website). Dengan designnya yang simple, user friendly, mudah di modifikasi dan kemudahan akses bagi pengunjung blog, maka banyak orang yang mulai tertarik dan menggunakan template toko online Blogspot. Apalagi fakta membuktikan bahwa sebagian orang Indonesia lebih senang bertransaksi jual beli  dengan SMS dan telepon di banding dengan sistem Keranjang belanja yang disediakan dalam toko online.
Salah satu keuntungan yang didapat dari template toko online blogspot ini adalah Domainnya gratis dan Unlimited Hosting maupun bandwith. Toko online yang menggunakan CMS tentunya harus didukung dengan Domain yang berbayar dan akan dipusingkan dengan space hosting dan bandwith yang penyediaannya cukup banyak merogoh kocek di setiap tahunnya. Bagaimana dengan Blogspot? Tentunya semuanya free dari yang punyanya yaitu Google.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa Template / thema toko online dengan blogspot yang gratis tinggal download saja:
Silahkan klik judul /caption gambar untuk download.
webstore toko online blogspot gratis
toko online bekerja dirumah
Work at home mom
Baby Online shop
Baby Shop
Blogger Store
Blogger store zoomtemplate
Happy Shopping
Jual Beli
Shopping chart
Dari Template-template diatas, anda tinggal menambahkan untuk menunnya dan posting produk layaknya posting artikel pada blogspot.
Kalau Template toko online blogspot dengan tampilan seperti gambar dibawah, anda cukup mengeluarkan uang Rp100.000 Rp.50.000 anda sudah memiliki 3 template dengan desain berbeda.

Untuk Melihat hasil toko online dengan menggunakan salah satu template diatas bisa dilihat DISINI.
Tidak hanya itu, anda juga akan mendapatkan tutorial cara membuat dan memodifikasi template diatas, sampai seperti toko online pada demo. Siapa-pun orangnya atau enggak mengerti bahasa pemograman, anda akan tetap bisa membuat toko online seperti pada demo.
 Apabila anda menginginkan ketiga template toko online di-atas, anda bisa memesannya dengan menghubungi saya melalui Call/SMS: 085715950615. 088211457172
Ups.. Hampir ketinggalan, dapatkan info cara membuat toko online dengan wordpress dan dapatkan theme atau templatenya disini
Jadi tunggu apalagi..dapatkan segera template toko online blogspot-nya.

Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Converting Audio Files for Free with Lona Music Converter

converting audio files with Lona.pdf Download this file

So your buddy sent you some audio files in a strange format... Or you downloaded some audio files from a website -- completely legally of course. You certainly didn't get the audio file from the Pirate Bay, because those guys are dangerous. Seriously, the whole fate of the entire free world relies on people not downloading torrents from them. Anyway, you have these audio files and they aren't in the format you want, so what do you do? Download Lona Music Converter for free from the App Store and you are off to the races. The PDF shows the UI and explains who the program works.


Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Komang & Blogger Peer is Comeback

Hi.. sobat blogger semua apa kabar? mohon maaf selama ini saya menghilang cukup lama di dunia maya karena kesibukan saya di dunia offline hingga tak sempat membuat artikel yang berguna bagi sobat blogger semua, bahkan saya tidak sempat mengikuti update tentang tips trik blogger maupun seo, saya sudah ketinggalan banyak neh dari kalian semua hehehe…

Komang Bloggerpeer is comebackTerima kasih banyak bagi sobat yang sudah meluangkan waktu untuk comment pada blog saya ini dan minta maaf sebesarnya karena saya tidak sempat membalas comment kalian satu per satu dan juga tidak sempat visit back ke blog sobat.

Karena saya tidak pernah update blog Blogger Peer pada waktu yang lama kurang lebih 6 bulan akibatnya sangat besar, artikel saya yang terakhir adalah tentang cara buat tombol back to top , setelah tadi saya cek pagerank dan alexa blog ini menurun, dari PR 2 menjadi PR 1 dan juga Alexa rank juga menurun, sekarang saya mulai lagi sedikit demi sedikit berusaha untuk menaikkan Alexa rank maupun Google pagerank, wuuuhhh… capek deehhh…

Membuat toko online blogspot

template toko online blogspot
Cara membuat toko online dengan blogspot pada saat ini sudah hampir mirip dengan toko online yang dibuat dengan sistem website seperti Joomla, Prestashop, openchart dll. Begitu juga template toko online blogspot yang beredar, hampir menghilangkan fungsi asli dibuatnya sebuah blog yaitu sebagai buku catatan harian, sehingga fungsi utama blog hampir lenyap dari pemikiran para blogger, seperti halnya yang sudah saya jelaskan pada artikel saya sebelumnya yaitu perbedaan antara website dengan weblog.

Banyak keuntungan yang dapat peroleh ketika anda membuat toko online dengan blogspot, diantaranya adalah:
  1. Tidak memerlukan biaya Hosting, karena Hosting Blogspot gratis dari Blogger. 
  2. Begitu juga dengan domain, anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan Gratis, alamat url yang didapat adalah: Namun apabila anda mau merubahnya ke .com, .net, dll, anda dapat dengan mudah mensettingnya/merubahnya dan pengunjung tetap bisa mengakses apabila url yang digunakan adalah blogspot.
  3. Karena toko online di buat dengan blogspot, tentunya mesin pencari Google akan lebih memprioritaskan blog toko online anda.
Adapun keunggulan lainnya yang dimiliki Blogspot, anda bisa membaca artikel saya yang berjudul "7 Alasan Blogspot Penyedia blog gratis terbaik".

Tapi terkadang anda kesulitan dalam mengolah desain yang akan dijadikan template toko online blogspot, dan apabila anda salah satu orang yang kesulitan atau tidak ada waktu dalam membuat toko online dengan blogspot, saya dapat membantu anda dalam pembuatan-nya alias anda tinggal terima jadi saja, dengan Harga yang terbilang murah yaitu Rp 150.000, anda sudah bisa mempunyai Blog Toko Online yang cantik. Demonya bisa anda klik Button di bawah ini:

Demo Toko Online Blogspot
Sesuai dengan Demo Toko Online, anda fitur yang anda dapatkan adalah:
  1. Domain Blogspot (
  2. Unlimited Hosting (dari Blogger).
  3. Gratis pembuatan Header Blog sesuai dengan tema blog toko online anda.
  4. 5 page halaman- menu blogspot. dan penginputan 10 produk pertama.
  5. Yahoo messenger dengan ikon animasi
  6. Link pengecekan No resi dari jasa pengiriman TIKI, JNE dan POS Indonesia
  7. Facebook like.
  8. Live Chat (pesan langsung-Cbox).
  9. Banner Pembayaran dan pengiriman.
  10. Statistik Pengunjung dengan animasi flash
  11. Produk populer
  12. Kategori produk
  13. dan lain-lain sesuai permintaan anda.
Setidaknya anda bisa memilih tiga template yang bisa dijadikan toko online anda, diantaranya:

membuat toko online dengan blogspot
Toko Online Butik Orange

Toko Online Fashion Ungu-Pink
Toko Online Komputer Biru

Apabila anda menginginkan ke tiga template tersebut (template saja), cukup dengan harga Rp100.000 anda sudah bisa mendapatkannya. Proses pengiriman-nya nanti melalui Email.

Ups.. anda tidak hanya mendapatkan ke-3 template saja.. tetapi anda akan mendapatkan file-file pendukung agar anda dengan mudah membuat, memodifikasi template toko online sesuai dengan produk yang akan anda pasarkan, diantaranya:
  1. Tutorial lengkap mulai dari membuat blog, install template, modifikasi, menerapkan widget, maintenance dan setting template toko online (khususnya template Fashion ungu-pink)
  2. Project file Header Fashion ungu pink dengan adobe photosghop.
  3. Icon animasi Yahoo messenger yang lucu-lucu, baik untuk yang online maupun yang offline.
  4. Script/kode HTML pendukung.
Apabila anda tertarik dengan layanan jasa pembuatan toko online dari saya dan atau ingin mendapatkan ke-3 template toko online blogspot beserta file pendukungnya, anda bisa menghubungi saya melalui:
Tlp/SMS: 085715950615, 088211457172

YM: buatblog89
Selanjutnya kami akan memberitahukan teknis selanjutnya.

Demikian Penjelasan dalam membuat toko online dengan blogspot, semoga kerja-sama saya dengan anda bisa terjalin dengan baik.

Kaskus Mengganti Domain

Kembali lagi di ViperGoy Blog. Artikel yang saya berikan sekarang tentang Kaskus Mengganti Domain. Bagi anda KASKUSER SEJATI, pasti tau dong dengan Kaskus ? ya, Forum nomer 1 dan paling terkenal di Indonesia. Nah, kabarnya sekarang, Kaskus Mengganti Domainnya yang semula menjadi  .Jadi bagi anda yang ingin mengunjungi Kaskus dan tidak bisa. Ini solusinya untuk dapat menunjungi Forum Kasus (Klik Link Dibawah)

Semoga bermanfaat bagi anda semua, terutama Kaskuser Sejati. Cendolnya Gan ^^ Wkwkwkwk.. 
oh ya saya mempunyai ID Member di kaskus yaitu bernama, ViperGM
Di ADD FRIEND ya ^^ Thanks ^^

Publicly Funded Private Schools Aren't the Answer

Ever since the Finnish education system as proved itself to be the world's best, the US has been trying to discover the secret to its success. Back in December an article in the Atlantic entitled What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success highlighted the biggest reason for Finland's success and the sad fact that people like Mitt Romney want to ignore the lessons to be learned. Finland has no private schools -- NONE! Not one. There is no competition pushing Finnish public schools to be better. Of course as Americans, we want to believe that competition makes everything better. The evidence that a lack of competition has improved education really doesn't interest us. It doesn't fit in with our American views. Rather than ignoring the obvious facts, possibly it is time to learn from the lesson. You see Finland doesn't have a system in place for wealthy people to opt out of public education; in fact, nobody gets to opt out of public education, so the simple fact is that everybody wants public education to work, because they have to use it. There is a simple solution to our problem and it isn't more competition; it isn't public money being spent on private schools, Mitt. The solution is that Americans need to wake up. We need to stop thinking that we have nothing to learn from other nations. We need to start trying something different, because what we have done in the past is no longer working. The future is going to belong to the countries who educate ALL of their children well, not just some of their children. Finland is going to be successful. The real question is -- are we going to be joining them?

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

PowerSchool 7.0: Taking Attendance and Demographic Information

Attendance.pdf Download this file
Some documents for help teachers new to PowerSchool take attendance and find contact information.

Cara Menyembunyikan Email Facebook

Kembali lagi dengan ViperGoy Blog. Maaf atas sebesar-besarnya karena saya jarang Update Blog saya. dikarenakan UAS sekolah ^^ hehe.. Sekarang saya akan membahas Cara Menyembunyikan Email Facebook. Nah, karena banyak sekali Hack Facebook lewat E-mail, saya akan memberitahu tentang Cara Menyembunyikan Email Facebook agar facebook anda AMAN dari serangan Hacker ^^ Langsung saja ya ^^
#Tips ini bukan untuk Facebook Timeline.

Pertama :
Log In Facebook anda terlebih dahulu.

Kedua :
Klik Profil Facebook anda.

Ketiga :
Lalu Klik ' EDIT PROFIL ' Seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Keempat :
Disebelah kiri facebook anda akan ada pilihan seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Kelima :
Lalu, anda Klik ' Contact Information '

Keenam :
Setelah itu, akan keluar gambar seperti ini.

Ketujuh :
Lihat tulisan ' Emails ' disebelahnya ada Email Anda dan disebelahnya lagi ada Gambar Dunia.
Gambar Dunia tersebut anda klik dan hasilnya seperti ini.

Kedelapan :
Lalu klik tulisan ' Only Me ' dan hasilnya seperti ini.

Kesembilan :

Setelah itu Jangan Lupa. Arahkan Scroll Mouse anda ke paling bawah.
Lalu anda akan melihat tulisan ' Save Changes '. Lalu Klik Tombol SAVE CHANGES agar menyimpan perubahan dari anda.

Untuk mengecek E-mail anda sudah disembunyikan atau belum. Jangan mengecek melalui Facebook kita sendiri, melainkan melalui Facebook Dummy (Facebook Palsu) atau Yang penting bukan Facebook itu sendiri, mungkin Facebook Orang Tua / Kakak / Adik / Teman yang kita suruh..

Sekian dari ViperGoy Blog. Semoga membantu anda ^^ Terima Kasih..
Dan, mungkin saya akan memberikan artikel tentang Cara Menyembunyikan Email Facebook untuk Timeline

Senin, 21 Mei 2012

Google Calendar Desktop Version on an iPad

Personally, I dislike the mobile version of Google Calendar, because I have many extra calendars running at once and I like the week view, not the day or month views. In the mobile version of Google Calendar, you cannot choose the week view, so these screenshots will help you switch to the Desktop version. Look for the button at the bottom of the display. You will see it says Mobile Version or Desktop version. If you decide that the mobile version is your thing, you can use the other screen shot to find the button to switch to the Mobile Version.
Cheers and Enjoy!

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Membuat menu drop down blogspot –Bagian2

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya artikel cara membuat menu dropdown di blogspot bagian 2 sudah selesai dan saya bisa berbagi dengan anda. Pada beberapa waktu yang lalu saya telah menulis artikel dropdown bagian ke-1. Menu dropdown Horizontal kali ini adalah dengan menggunakan kode CSS dan HTML yang simple sehingga mudah dalam pembuatan-nya tentunya dengan hasil yang memuaskan. Menu dropdown ini berfungsi ketika anda sudah mempunyai konten yang banyak dan ingin mempermudah pengunjung mengakses artikel atau page/halaman yang anda pilih sehingga lebih konten blog anda lebih terorganisir.

Langkah yang saya terangkan di-bawah hasilnya seperti pada demo:

Cara membuat menu drop down di blogspot adalah sebagai berikut:
  • Sign ke Blogger > Design > Page Elements 
  • Pilih dan tambahkan Gadget HTML/JavaScript yang berada di bawah Header blog anda dan tambahkan kode dibawah ini:
<div id='mbtnavbar'>
          <ul id='mbtnav'>
              <a href='#'>Beranda</a>
              <a href='#'>Tentang saya</a>
              <a href='#'>Produk</a>
               <a href='#'>Kontak</a>

                    <li><a href='#'>Facebook</a></li>
                    <li><a href='#'>Twitter</a></li>
                    <li><a href='#'>Yahoo</a></li>

  1. Ganti tanda # dengan lamat url yang diinginkan
  2. Apabila ingin menambah menu anda tinggal menambahkan kode di-bawah sebelum kode </ul>
          <a href='#'>Tab Name</a>
  • Sekarang masuk ke Design > Edit HTML 
  • Untuk jaga-jaga apabila ada kesalahan, silahkan anda download dulu template anda sebagai back up. 
  • Cari kode ]]></b:skin> 
  • Tambahkan kode di-bawah tepat sebelum kode ]]></b:skin>

/*----- MBT Drop Down Menu ----*/

    #mbtnavbar {
        background: #000000;
        width: 880px;
        color: #FFF;
            margin: 0px;
            padding: 0;
            position: relative;
            border-top:0px solid #000000;


    #mbtnav {
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        list-style: none;
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            border-left:1px solid #DDD;
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    #mbtnav li a, #mbtnav li a:link, #mbtnav li a:visited {
        color: #000;
        display: block;
       font:normal 12px Helvetica, sans-serif;
       margin: 0;
        padding: 9px 12px 10px 12px;
            text-decoration: none;

    #mbtnav li a:hover, #mbtnav li a:active {
        background: #809FFE;
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    #mbtnav li ul a {
        width: 140px;
    #mbtnav li ul ul {
        margin: -25px 0 0 161px;
    #mbtnav li:hover ul ul, #mbtnav li:hover ul ul ul, #mbtnav li.sfhover ul ul, #mbtnav li.sfhover ul ul ul {
        left: -999em;
    #mbtnav li:hover ul, #mbtnav li li:hover ul, #mbtnav li li li:hover ul, #mbtnav li.sfhover ul, #mbtnav li li.sfhover ul, #mbtnav li li li.sfhover ul {
        left: auto;
    #mbtnav li:hover, #mbtnav li.sfhover {
        position: static;

    #mbtnav li li a, #mbtnav li li a:link, #mbtnav li li a:visited {
        background: #809FFE;
        width: 120px;
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        display: block;
        font:normal 12px Helvetica, sans-serif;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 9px 12px 10px 12px;
            text-decoration: none;
    border-bottom:1px dotted #333;

    #mbtnav li li a:hover, #mbtnavli li a:active {
        background: #2646A6;
        color: #FFF;
        display: block;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 9px 12px 10px 12px;
            text-decoration: none;
Silahkan Ganti kode yang saya tandai merah di-atas sesuai dengan keinginan anda.
  • Jangan Lupa Simpan pekerjaan anda
Demikaian Langkah-langkah dalam cara membuat menu drop down blogspot –Bagian2 kali ini. semoga  bermanfaat.

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Kinky Me

At 17 I relaxed my hair and I haven’t seen my natural hair (re-growth doesn't count) or any kind of plait since. So what made me opt for twists? Well for the first time I decided that I did not want the hassle of doing my hair on holiday. Straightening and tonging is long at the best of times, let alone in Jamaica where the sun kisses my skin whilst the sea invites me in. So my decision to wear twists was one of convenience that again turned into an experiment. 

I chose twists, kinky twists over plaits because I love dreadlocks.  I have always envisioned myself to have long locks, like Ava DuVernay's to the middle of my back by the time I have had two children. Somehow I seem to miss out the fact that you have to grow them. In my mind they will just appear at the desired length when I say so (Yep I know...I know).
Ava DuVernay and her luscious locks

The decision for kinky twists therefore was to see if dreads would suit me? How I would be perceived by others with this new look and how I would feel about myself? I gave attention to the weave in article The Weave and I  and now it’s only fair I do the same here.

As I entered the hair salon I dreaded and resigned myself to the fact that I would be there for at least 4 hours. I was pleasantly surprised when it was finished in under 3 hours. How come? I hear you silently say. Two ladies tackled my head at the same time but I must say the double bill of Maury and “You ARE NOT THE FATHER” kept me so entertained that the time flew by. I had not looked in the mirror the whole time due to this fabulous yet tacky distraction. I only remembered when she spun the chair around, too fast for doubt to creep in. I have probably said this before in past blogs but I will say it again here. I am boring when it comes to hair styles. I am not experimental at all, I like what I know and I doubt everything else. Anyway....

As I looked in the mirror for the first time I was unsure but I didn’t have the same identity confusion as I did when I wore the weave, which was a great sign.  As I walked out the salon I instantly felt a change. The men who may have broken their necks to look back before didn't give a first, let alone a second glance. I remember thinking at the time that dating may get even harder lol. I kid you not when I say I felt an air of snobbery from some of the weave wearers, like there was some sort of hair hierarchy. It's hard to explain but I generally felt like I was under the radar, connected yet disconnected. 

India Irie said “I am not my hair” which is true, though society disagrees. Hair appears to inform who you are and as a result there is what is perceived to be “work hair”. Former News of The World editor Rebecca Brooks in society’s eyes did not have this. 
Rebecca Brooks

Red, curly and “wild” she was considered to be a brazen non-conformist. Clutch Magazine this week reported Aboubakar Traoré, a Black French Stewardess for Air France, was forced to wear a wig to cover his dreadlocks to keep his job, as the company thought it was harming their image. 
Aboubakar Traoré

Who made the rules on what is considered to be acceptable? Rebecca Brooks you could say has  hair similar to mixed- race girls such as Ruby in  Hollyoaks played by Anna Shaffer and music artist Corrinne Bailey Rae. Correct me if I am mistaken but their "wild" hair appears to be acceptable, even seen as desirable, so is it the fact that Mrs Brooks hair is red and she has made no attempt to dye , tame or apologise for it that is the problem? Or are there different rules for in front and behind the camera lens? 
Anna Shaffer

Corinne Bailey Rae
The next question that popped up was "If a black women walked into work with an afro to the same volume of all the ladies I have mentioned above, would this be seen as acceptable work hair? What do you think?
Model Ya Ya Da Costa 

As I walked into work with my new style the reception was good. The two comments that stood out were “You look like an African Queen” and “Did you do that to fit in with the weed smokers when you go to Jamaica”. The first comment I have no qualms with at all, it was her honest expression but it made me think what constitutes as regal, beautiful and powerful? I am still the same person. It is not your hair that makes you a Queen but who you are, your essence and nature. I am not from English blue blood and I don’t own a crown but I am a queen, as you/we all are. 

The last comment was from a smart alec who I get on well with. He laughed whilst I looked on with a blank face. The association with dreadlocks has always been negative due to stereotypes. I now felt judged for my hair choice and for the first time contemplated the number of ways this could go against me. “I’m going on holiday and this is the hassle free option” I stressed to everyone who asked. I was aware I was explaining myself and couldn’t put my finger on why straight away.

My mum hated and still hates my hair, she said it made me look like a “ruffian” and out-poured every stereotype onto me. The one person’s opinion I care about the most, is my mum’s. Even though we disagree on everything, I really wanted her to like it. Her expressions made me feel judged and vulnerable leading me to feel as though I had to defend my decision. I know the place her views come from and they are stuck within the past colonial context that lives and breaths today through conditioning, reaction and projection. The issue wasn’t mine but I was beginning to wear it like it was. 

Off to Jamaica I went and I had a fantastic time. I was amazed at the amount of older women who wore dreadlocks, natural hair or kinky twists like mine. I do not doubt that hair type judgement exits in Jamaica also, however it appears to be more about consciousness than a weed smoking stereotype. I asked Ms Johnson who is a lawyer, why she chooses to wear her hair natural and in this way (for research purposes), she said “When I know what I know, I can no longer do what I used to do, as that would make no sense and keep me in denial.” We had a big discussion about hair relaxer, conditioning and what constitutes as beauty which tapped into how  I already felt. 

I have been of the creamy crack (Hair relaxer) for 21 weeks. The kinky twist have so far been in for 10 weeks and I have nearly 3 inches of natural hair. I feel really good. All I have been using on my hair since the twists have been in, is Extra Virgin Olive oil which has also had an impact on my skin. My spot scars have cleared up and my skin is softer than ever. I have been going to talks and natural hair shows to re-learn and get tips on how to care for my natural hair. The idea that it is “difficult” is as ridiculous as some black men saying they don’t date Black women because we are more “difficult” than other ‘races’. We don’t accept that poor excuse so why this?  

Ms Johnson’s words really resonated with me. Half of the chemicals in relaxers aren’t even labelled. So what are we really doing to our hair and bodies? Estrogen and endocrine-disrupting chemicals or EDCs are chemicals found in hair products. Although research is still ongoing, it is believed many of these chemicals are linked to reproductive effects, fibroids, premature puberty, breast cancer and hair loss to name a few

Source:Skn Vibes

I don’t eat meat for a reason, that reason can also apply and extend to what I put on my head. I fully understand that the hair relaxer inventor Garret Augustus Morgan, Snr (He also invented the three position traffic lights, safety hoods and smoke protectors),  found a way for our ancestors to "have more manageable hair" and a way to be (perhaps)  more accepted within a prejudice and racist society. However we live in a different era. Yes all the isms still exist but no way near to the level they had to encounter. Also there is now a wealth of products on the market providing greater selection for individual hair type. Nothing is by accident, we have kinky hair, like melanin for a reason and I am ready to embrace this fact.

There is nothing wrong with choice, but I don't think I can contiue making the same choices with the knowledge that I now know. Marcus Garvey said “Take the kinks out of your mind, instead of out of your hair” which is a powerful statement. At 17 I relaxed my hair because it's what everyone did. My decision wasn't a conscious one  at all. So now I’m on the next journey. Do I cut off the relaxed ends or should  I leave the extensions in and grow it out? I’m not sure yet, but you will know when I do.

I still feel under the radar but it doesn't matter as the fact that I feel anchored is more important. I'm still the same person, the only difference is I have divorced myself from the creamy crack. When choosing a style I remember asking my friends if braids/twists would suit me. In hindsight that is probably the silliest  question I have ever asked. "How could it not?" was the repeated replies. Braids over weave? Most definitely.. 

Say hello to kinky me :-)

Related posts:

© Lisa Bent 2012