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Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Shop of the Week - NovaScotiaBeachGlass

Summer Blue - A Seaglass necklace from Nova Scotia
This week, the Etsy Twitter Team is featuring NovaScotiaBeachGlass for our Shop of the Week. NovaScotiaBeachGlass is the creation of Lori Stewart who collects seaglass from the beaches of Nova Scotia. She hunts the beach with her black lab, Willow, looking for beach glass, seaglass, driftwood and any other treasures the sea might reveal to her. She turns these treasures into lovely works of wearable art: pendants and necklaces.

Lori told me that beach glass is also called seaglass or mermaid’s tears. "This collectible is formed after years of tumbling in ocean waves, softening the sharp edges of shards of broken glass. Sea glass originates from man-made trash - bottles or jars tossed overboard ships or dumped with other garbage into the ocean, where they would break into pieces and tumble around. Most sea glass found today dates before the mid 1960's (when plastics became the norm). A perfectly smooth piece may have been in the ocean for decades, even a century. Collectors value the glass for its beauty and the mystery of its history - whose hand might have held the original item? What story might the sea glass tell?"

Lori appreciates the history and romance of her chosen material. She says there is nothing so soothing as to handle seaglass. In addition to her interest in recycling the vintage seaglass, Lori also expresses her artistic nature using resin. While she is always experimenting with new designs, this year she would like to improve her jewelry photography.

Lori ships worldwide and the interest in her work is ever growing. "I've been asked to do a home several stores have expressed interest in displaying my necklaces." On the Twitter front, Lori likes to keep people interested by tweeting a little about everything...not just about Etsy and her shop.

Electric blue - A Seaglass necklace from Nova Scotia

NovaScotiaBeachGlass is offering
Free shipping for the month of May to
Canada and the US
Also, a sale: 25% off orders over $100.00

Etsy Shop:

Written by Judy of Wellspring Creations

Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Invisible but felt

I woke up this morning bright eyed, bushytailed and year older. Still felt the same. I mean it’s a given, as you get older the numbers go up, no brainer right? This blazayness evaporated when I hit the gym. I typed in 31 into the cross trainer for the first time and my eyes widened at the harsh red numbers staring back at me. “Oh My God where the hell did time go?”

They say “You are as old as you feel” well I still feel like an excited 26 year old, however these two particular digits filled me with a tinge of dread and I have never felt this way on my birthday before. Feeling guilty, ungrateful and uneasy, I decided to abandon the machinery and seek a different kind of sweat the steam room.30 minutes later I emerged with a light head, sweated out hair, gasping for water and a greater sense of clarity to my mini traumatic crisis....

It is invisible, always there, but you can feel it. I am talking about society’s unspoken expectations. At 31 years old I feel I am expected to have children, a boyfriend/husband/fiancĂ©, mortgage and maybe a dog, cat or even goldfish. I do not tick any of the above and I am okay with it, though the dread this morning was an unconscious response to expectations and all the things that I don’t have. I had to shake it off by reminding myself that I am single by choice and whilst I may not have ticked these particular boxes, I have ticked others.
Single status is a normal process of life, yet in society it feels as though it is instantly seen as a bad thing and one which somehow makes a statement about you and your inability to attract the opposite sex, which is absolute nonsense. Splashed in the gossip magazines we see the ever changing statuses of, for example Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston and Jordan. Shows like Sex and the City (which I love ) and Cougar Town enforce the same ideas. When things go wrong what do they do? They diet, get a haircut, sexy outfit and hit the town, in an attempt to show the last partner what they are missing. This is denial in all its desperate glory.

As single women, they seem irrational, emotional and depressed, whilst in relationships they seem confident, sexy and happy. Is this life imitating art or vice versa? Either way, I feel the majority of singletons have adopted these ways of being as their own. Being single does not naturally equate to doom and unhappiness, just as Black +female +single doesn’t = “difficult”. But I guess like anything it is how we, you, I perceive it. I am very happy. Rather than looking at what I don’t have right now, I am grateful for what I do have and have done and experienced, whilst excited about what is on its way. I think it’s a shame that so many single women give up their power to make themselves happy and instead choose to pass the buck to someone else.

Is the grass really greener on the otherside? I’m sure there are pluses and minus on both sides, the key however seems to be, to live in the moment and enjoy where you are at. And if you’re not enjoying it, then you have a choice in what happens next. Culture, media and beliefs for example, are ideas that we adopted from very early on, however how much of these beliefs do we really agree with now? Or have obliviously taken on as our own, which directs, on an unconscious level our happiness? I say this because had I not thought about it, I could have spent my birthday in a depressed state because of society’s obsession with age and status, which would have been a damn shame. With obsession comes fear and so many people seem to be fearful of being alone. As my mum says “You come into this world alone, you go out alone so it makes sense to know yourself and love yourself” I could not have put it better.

They say two halves make a whole. I personally prefer to be whole before I meet my other half. Thank God for my mum and Iyanla Vanzant, they both taught me well. I would love to see a person in the public eye, a celebrity change the record and sing from a different hymn sheet to help empower both women and men. Being single and getting older should not be seen as some kind of dirty word that many are apologetic or embarrassed over. Let’s change it up and make it the new “Black”.

So from one singleton to others I say...

There is nothing wrong with being single. Embrace your freedom. Stand up and be counted. Wear your singleton status with pride and use the time alone “In the meantime” or “In the valley” to re-connect/define who you are and what you want. And trust that nothing for you will pass you!
A new day is a new blessing. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and so today, right now is all we have, for which I am truly grateful.
It’ s my birthday, I am 31, black, single and proud!

Related Posts:

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Shop of the Week - Geek Details

Mushroom Charm
Meet Amanda Roberts, the talent behind the Etsy shop, geekdetails, and the Etsy Twitter Team Shop of the Week.

Amanda makes and sells a variety of what she describes as "geeky things". Her product line ranges from artistically embellished luggage, pinback buttons and art prints, sculpted singing flowers; even some jewelry items! Her product line is varied and reflects the sources of her inspiration. When asked what she loves most about creating, Amanda states: "That I get to make stuff every day...I love the process of making new items, seeing something lovely and knowing that I made that pretty thing."

As she puts it, her inspiration comes from "everything! It can be a music lyric, something a friend says, a glass of wine, the way the colors of my flowers blend. I try to find inspiration everywhere and then I mix it up to create something new." This is further reflected in her business resolution: to step "out of my box" and attend gamer conventions! "I went to my first in January (it was called VisionCon) and had a blast! I’m hooked and glad I did it! I met some amazing people that have been excited about what I do. They’ve become some of my biggest fans and really encouraged me in my retail endeavor." The result is an eclectic blend of fun products which Amanda ships worldwide (on most items*)!

Amanda has several exciting activities planned in the next few months. She's attending many shows this summer, including Origins in June. She's helping to develop a new website called Con-Vixens. AND she's "appearing" on an online radio program called Dragon Talk Radio this Thursday, May 20!

Amanda is @geekdetails on Twitter. Her Twitter philosophy? "Follow who you like and converse with them. Don’t just mindlessly follow everyone...and don’t follow people simply because they’re following you. This may lose you some followers, but the quality of your twitter connections will be higher! For me, twitter is about making connections with people. One connection with a rabid follower of your work is (imo) far superior than 50 followers that don’t really care about what you’re doing and are just upping their numbers. It’s quality over quantity for me!"

Alice in Wonderland Print

This week geekdetails is offering
Free domestic shipping on orders over $80 when the buyer mentions “etsytwitter” in the notes to seller section



Written by Judy of WellspringCreations.

* Some large items can vary greatly in shipping price from one country to the next. Convo geekdetails for the international shipping rate specific to your location.


I would like to send congrats to the winners of our go green event!

Prize #1: sponsored by Kristen from
The beautiful gold Button Charm Bracelet.

winner goes to our second entry:


Prize #2: sponsored by Sandi from
A beautiful Lemon Coffee Cozy with Flower.
None at this time.

Prize #3:
sponsored by Regina from
Prize: Eco-fab Pirate T-shirt will be custom made for winner.

winner goes to our third entry:
Aquarian Bath (aka Cory)

Prize #4: sponsored by Beth from
Prize: yarn is made using a clean, no longer wanted T-shirt.

winner goes to our second entry.
Claire Annals

Congrats to all!! The sponsers will be in contact with you shortly.
Thank you all for making this an amazing Earth month for the ETT.
Check back soon for our next event!
etsy twitter team team leader

Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

Team Treasury: My Heart Pitters for My EtsyTwitters

Dear sweet Lois from FoxyGknits worked so hard on this Treasury East only to have it wiped out by the "bug" that Etsy experienced where they lost a lot of Treasury East data. Lois painstakingly recreated this Treasury East twice only to finally locate the one she made that was supposedly lost.

Lois, our hats are off to you for putting so much time and energy into making a beautiful Etsy Twitter Team Treasury!

Go get clicking and commenting on this one! Do it for Lois! :)

Created by
"My Heart Pitters for My EtsyTwitters"

Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Penggunaan RT yang Salah Pada Twitter

Jika menilik situs, terdapat fitur dasar yang diberikan oleh twitter yaitu @ (replies/mentions), DM (direct massege), favorit (tanda bintang) serta RT (retweet).

Nah RT inilah yang menjadi fokus tulisan kali ini. Sebelum membahas lebih lanjut, saya jelaskan dulu mengenai RT ini. RT atau retweet berfungsi untuk meneruskan sebuah twit yang sekiranya dianggap bagus dan perlu untuk

Mengetahui Trending Topics Indonesia dengan merupakan sebuah situs yang mengumpulkan berbagai macam data dari semua tweet yang berasal dari Indonesia. Data-data tersebut digunakan untuk mengetahui topik apa saja yang sedang tren di Indonesia. dikembangkan pertama kali oleh Jimmy dengan nama awal Twitter Mania, pada Yahoo Open Hack, Twitter Mania terpilih sebagai Best Local Hack.

Menurut informasi, Jimmy

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

The Lisa Bent Party?

My article “Sleeping with the Enemies” is a more in-depth rounded expression of my views regarding the joke that is our government, which I ranted about on facebook yesterday. My friend jokingly suggested that I should start a Lisa Bent Party which he would vote for, and that was without hearing a manifesto.... I know how cool. I woke up this morning “The Lisa Bent Party” ringing in my ears and ideas popping up left right and centre. So whilst I do not ever want to become an MP (I cannot and will not compromise my integrity) and the party name is slightly narcisstic so I would have to change it, I thought I would write some ideas down in an as if quality... so people here is my manifesto!!!!

First and foremost I would like to assure you that campaign money which comes out of your taxes (in case you didn’t know) and air time, will not be used to mudsling other candidates. Instead it will be used to inform you of our policy’s and agenda so that when voting time arises you are clear on what we propose and how we propose to do it. Other opinions will be respected. There are numerous visions for what constitutes to making society better and here are our plans....

First and foremost...If you are alive, it means you live within a society. As a result ALL individuals from 16 years old are eligible and are required to vote. Voting is a democratic right which all should take an active part in. Your voice, Your right. Your decision.
The guidelines for MP’s expenses will be revised to erase any loop holes. It is not ok for the public to steal from the government and it is not ok for the members of the parliament to do the same. Double standards to be quashed.

We here at the Lisa Bent Party firmly believe if you don’t like your job, do the paying public a favour by either bucking up your ideas or quitting. No one wants to pay for a mediocre service. Which is why the earning capacity for an MP will be £28,000-£35,000. This line of work is about making change not making money. This role on this wage will attract only those who want to make a difference. Benefits and commission will be rewarding to those who have met their desired goals. In lay man’s terms – They have done what they said they were going to do, without fiddling the books or statistics.

The same applies to The BBC. The service is provided by tax payer’s money. Rather than paying fat cats large wads of money for what exactly? They should be pumping it into creating interesting and entertaining audio and visual media that represents the paying public. Media representations might I add, should be balanced as much as possible.

The dole. If you can work, you will work. No excuses. Help will be provided but not abused. Benefits will not be higher than the working rate. Those who have worked will get help and decent support when on maternity leave. If you cannot find work, voluntary work will be found in the meantime. There will be a cap on immigration, the people already here need to fill the jobs. The government’s ideas on a quick buck , cheap labour and colluding with lazy society will not be tolerated.

So many countries like England have invaded other countries, extracted all the goods and left them struggling to survive and then had the cheek to loan them money and aid which they have to repay, further disabling them. I would start by not making fair-trade produce an option. All goods will be fair-trade. Bought and sold fairly so that everyone can have a quality of life that extends beyond just trying to survive each day.
I would look into changing how the law deals with sexual abuse. Currently the system seems to support the perpetrator and the child is left feeling they are viewed as a liar. Statistics show that children do not and have no reason to lie, yet their voices are not heard. A large percent of cases are thrown out due to lack of “best evidence” and “insufficient evidence”. Sexual abuse and rape cases cannot be viewed in the same manner as other crimes. The level of trauma and fear means that a disclosure/report, unlike a burglary is not made directly after an incident and therefore cannot be judged in the same way.
Knowledge regarding change in behaviour and symptoms should be taken into account in the formulation of a case. And in regards to the perpetrator lie dictator tests should be used in conjunction with evidence from the victim.

Education now is more about teaching children to passively memorise and regurgitate information. The level of memory is then tested in exams of which the individual is rewarding and the school graded in league tables. This needs to change. School should be a place where children’s ideas about self, the world, responsibility should be acknowledged, whilst their potential should be tapped into nurtured and allowed to flourish. Children and young people need to understand that they have a choice, of which comes responsibility and one which they need to learn to own.

I propose for 2 hours each week as part of citizenship, children should watch The Wright Stuff, NOT Loose Women, in class and discuss their views on what they have heard. To support new ways of thinking, old ways will not work.

It’s not a one way street, teachers need to be feel supported and the system needs to be much more consistent and understanding. Morale is low but the same thing applies. If you don’t like your job leave. Projecting your frustrations on to children is highly unethical and damaging.
And my last two points...

Record company bosses should not be allowed to have so much control over the airwaves. It has become an incestuous money market which has destroyed good music. Playlists to be banned. Bring back the real DJ’s, inspiration and good times.

The rise and success of internet networking sites has not only managed to tap into the changing times of technology but also people’s want for a greater sense of connection, which is lost once the lap top is closed and you step outside the door. We walk past each other like we are all invisible. Smile, laugh or dare to sing in public and people look at you like you are mad. Which I feel is a damn shame. Say good morning at the bus stop and you risk hearing silence, seeing stares and a strong desire for the ground to just swallow you up.
This is not the case in Barbados, everyone you meet or have eye contact with says “Good morning” “Good evening” or “Good night” depending on the time of day. It is such a simple acknowledgement but one which makes you feel a part of society and happy about that fact. It also sends the message of respect and courtesy which I think is lost here.

So whilst England in the past had a desire to conquer everything in order to gain material wealth and power, whilst stamping their ideals, beliefs and notions of what is right and what is wrong. They have unfortunately missed the gem that is worth more than the price of Gold. Britain is a multi-cultural country and there is something to be learnt from how other cultures function in a community. Good morning everyone!!!!
So if you feel the old ways aren’t working....
Want to take a chance on something entirely new
Vote for change, vote for the Lisa Bent Party!

Related Posts:

Sleeping with the Enemies

I know I am not alone when I say this election is one big joke. It is reminiscent of a poker game where machiavellian manoeuvres are made. What they say is not what they think, which is revealed at the end of the game when their true hand is revealed.

This coalition is enabling us to see how the government works in all its sleazy glory. It’s one big power game driven by ego, control and bed hopping, of which Nick Clegg is the biggest slut right now. Two weeks ago he was telling us why we shouldn’t vote for the other parties and now he is sleeping with the enemies. He is playing with the big boys and his own agenda is very much at the fore-front of his negotiations. So please tell me how can trust progressively develop if mistrust has already reared its ugly head? This is a question to the public and also to the two other party leaders.

This is collusion on a grand scale whilst the notion of democracy is nowhere to be seen. Yes we live in a country where can have our say, but it is obviously limited. People have given Gordon Brown stick as we the people, did not elect him into power, yet I certainly didn’t see a box on the ballot paper that said I would agree to a coalition and therefore a dual-led government. Evidently like the expenses saga there are double standards and loop holes that need to be erased.

“If I ruled the world....imagine that,” Nas was not and is not alone in his visions for a better society. The difference however, is for these MP’s and I’m sure most government’s across the world, it is less to do with empowerment on a collective scale and more to do with individual ego, power, accomplishment and legacy. The only person that this way of being serves is themselves. Tony Blair is their icon which they are all desperate to out do and surpass. So yes, I do believe interesting times are ahead at the detriment to the public.

Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

Cara Pasang Tv Di Blog

Buat sobat yang ga mau ketinggalan Acara di Tv ga perlu khawatir,apalagi jika sobat sedang online atau Update postingan blog .nah.. dalam postingan kali ini klinik-it akan menjelaskan tentang Cara Pasang Tv Di Blog .Blog sobat bisa juga loh dipasangin tv. jadi nantinya pengunjung blog sobat bisa nonton tv di blog sobat .hehehe. tujuan dari pemasangan tv di blog biasanya supaya pengunjung di blog kita betah berlama-lama ada di blog kita sambil nonton tv .hehehe Cara Pasang TV di Blog juga cukup mudah .tapi sebelumnya klinik-it mau kasih contoh Tv nya dulu nich .hehehe Contoh tvnya bisa sobat lihat di bawah ini ..


udah lihatkan contoh tvnyana ?hehehe buat sobat yang ingin Pasang Tv Di Blog caranya cukup mudah koq ,sobat tinggal ikuti tutorial Cara Pasang TV di Blog di bawah ini.

1.Login Ke Blogger Dengan ID sobat.

2.Klik Tata Letak .

3.Klik Tambah Gadget

4.Pilih HTML/javascript.

5.Kemudian Copy Dan Paste Kode berikut di dalamnya.

6.Klik SIMPAN.

7.Selanjutnya tinggal sabat lihat deh hasilnya.

Keterangan :
1.Sebaiknya Tv dipasang di dalam postingan atau jika sidebar blog sobat lebar silakan pasang di sidebar soabat.

Selamat mencoba................

Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Cara Pasang Chat Facebook Di Blog

Hai sob klinik-it udah lama nih ga posting artikel tentang tutorial blog.hehehe Dalam postingan terbaru klinik-it kali ini klinik-it akan memberikan tutorial tentang Cara Pasang Chat Facebook Di Blog,Tapi bukan Fasilitas chat facebook beneran melainkan fasilitas chat yang mirip dengan fasilitas chat yang ada di facebook.Fasilitas chat ini namanya Footer Chat .Mungkin sobat udah pada tau apa itu yang dimaksud dengan Footer Chat .Footer chat adalah fasilitas chat yang ada di footer blog .sedangkan footer blog adalah bagian bawah template blog .

Jadi Kesimpulan dari Footer chat adalah fasilitas Chatting yang mirip dengan fasilitas catting yang ada difacebook .nah... biar sobat ga bingung dengan apa yang klinik-it jelaskan diatas sobat bisa langsung lihat contoh footerchat tersebut DISINI .atau bisa lihat gambar dibawah ini .

Nahh... sobat udah pada taukan apa itu footer chat . nahh sekarang tinggal cara pasangnya . cara pasangnya juga gampang koq !!! sobat tinggal ikutin aja langkah-langkah Cara Pasang Chat Facebook Di Blog di bawah ini.

1.Login Ke blogger dengan ID sobat.

2.Klik Tata Letak kemudan klik Tambah Gadget. tapi ingat pilih Tambah Gadget nya pilih yang dibagian bawah postingan .atau jika sobat bingung silakan lihat gambar di bawah .

3.Setelah itu pilih HTML/javascript.

4.Selanjutnya copy dan paste kode berikut kedalamnya .

5.Klik Simpan.

6.Selanjutnya Tinggal sobat liat dech hasilnya . selamat mencoba.....

Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Kontes Blog 2010

Sudah lama sekali klinik-it ga posting postingan sendiri karena saya deni sahlan sedang sibuk dengan kerjaan yang bertumpuk .akhirnya siang ini klinik-it menyempatkan diri untuk memberitahukan kepada sobat blogger bahwa di bulan ini akan di gelar KONTES BLOG 2010 bersama Ma Chung Blog Competition 2010 . Nah.. buat sobat yang suka ikutan kontes blog wajib dicoba nich.. ini bukan kontes SEO loh tapi lomba menulis artikel dengan tema yang sudah ditentukan panitia. Dalam KONTES BLOG 2010 ini panitia memberikan tema tentang “Indonesiaku Bukan Indonesia-Indonesiaan”
nah.. dari tema tersebut sobat harus kembangkan menjadi artikel yang baik yang akan dinilai oleh panitia.

Selain itu dalam KONTES BLOG 2010 juga juri menilai dari faktor pendukung artikel, misalnya saja gambar/foto .gambar atau foto tersebut juga akan masuk dalam penilain juri, tapi ingat gambarnya harus sesuai dengan tema iia .hehehehe buat sobat yang ingin berpartisipasi dalam KONTES BLOG 2010 bersama Ma Chung Blog Competition 2010 bisa langsung klik disini .atau biar lebih jelas berikut ini adalah keterangan lombanya :

Apa itu Ma Chung Blog Competition 2010?

Ma Chung Blog Competition 2010 adalah sebuah kompetisi blog yang diselenggarakan bagi kamu yang hobi nulis dan punya ide-ide menarik dan kreatif.
Kali ini dalam rangka kebangkitan nasional, kita pengen bikin lomba yang positif buat panitianya, pesertanya, (dan tentu saja) buat Indonesianya.

Gimana cara daftarnya?

Mudah saja, hanya dengan klik di sini dan isi semua formnya. Tapi jangan lupa pasang banner Ma Chung Blog Competition di blog kamu dan kirim link tulisanmu ya (kamu boleh kirim lebih dari 1 artikel kok).

Siapa saja yang boleh ikutan?

Siapapun yang tinggal di daerah Sabang sampai Merauke, tua, muda, dari anak TK sampe Professor, semua boleh ikut! Kamu cuma harus pilih kamu termasuk di kategori yang mana: Pelajar, Mahasiswa, atao Umum. Everybody can join this event! "Tapi saya ga bisa bikin blog. Gimana nih om?". Tenang, kami sudah sediakan panduan bagi kamu yang belum pernah bikin blog. Cukup ikuti petunjuknya selama 5-10 menit, dan, voila! Kamu sudah punya blog. Silahkan klik di sini untuk baca panduannya.

Apa saja sih yang harus ditulis di blog?

Karena tema acara kita kali ini adalah “Indonesiaku Bukan Indonesia-Indonesiaan”, kamu cukup nulis opini, saran, atau kritik yang membangun mengenai kondisi Indonesia saat ini. Kamu boleh cerita tentang gimana kehidupanmu sehari-hari, terus kamu kaitkan dengan rasa nasionalismu. Atau kamu bisa ceritakan gimana kebiasaanmu bisa mempengaruhi negara kita. Kamu boleh cerita hal yang sangat sepele sampe hal yang extremely lebih (ekstrimli lebay).
Tentunya isi tulisan tidak boleh berbau pornografi, menyinggung SARA, memojokkan pihak tertentu, dan tentunya memakai Bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa utama dalam tulisan kamu. Boleh ditambah bahasa lain? Bahasa gaul, bahasa Inggris dan lain-lain? Boleh, sejauh jurinya masih bisa ngerti (Ya, iyalah. Kasian jurinya kalo kamu pake bafahafasafa yangfang sufulitfit).

WARNING: Dilarang menyertakan umpatan, mesuh, dan sebangsanya dalam tulisan kamu!

Kriteria penilaiannya gimana?

Well, kami akan melihat kesesuaian tulisan kamu dengan tema.
Dan kami juga akan melihat seberapa menarik tulisan kamu. (Kami mencari tulisan yang persuasif, inspiratif, dan kreatif). Gambar pendukung, juga termasuk dalam penilaian.


Primus Winner di masing kategori, berhak atas uang Rp 1.000.000.
Sedangkan Sekundus Winner (ada 2 orang) di tiap kategori masing-masing berhak atas Rp 500.000.
Dan beberapa hadiah lainnya untuk Still Winner (istilahnya, hadiah buat juara harapan :D).
Catatan: Tulisan Primus Winner, Sekundus Winner, dan Still Winner akan dijadikan sebuah buku (judul menyusul). Panitia berhak atas artikel yang telah diterima. Dan jika buku diperjualbelikan demi kepentingan komersil, hanya Primus Winner yang berhak atas royalti.


Kompetisi ini akan ditutup tanggal 31 Mei 2010 pukul 24.00. Pengumuman pemenang akan diberitahukan tanggal 15 Juni 2010. Pemenang akan diundang menghadiri Malam Penganugerahan Ma Chung Blog Competition 2010 yang akan dilaksanakan tanggal 3 Juli 2010. Tapi bagi kalian yang ingin hadir, kalian juga bisa dateng kok.

Malam penganugerahan

Malam penganugerahan adalah seminar sekaligus penyerahan hadiah bagi para pemenang kompetisi blog.
Malam penganugerahan dilaksanakan tanggal 3 Juli 2010, di Universitas Ma Chung, mulai pukul 15.00.
Seminar akan diisi oleh Raditya Dika (penulis best seller "Kambing Jantan"). Wow wow wow!

Pengelola Hosting Bakal Dijerat Pasal 26-27 UU ITE

JAKARTA - Kasus pencurian script situs yang diduga dilakukan oleh layanan hosting, nampaknya akan dibawa ke ranah hukum. Ini setelah pengelola mesin pencari lokal tersebut berencana untuk melaporkan pengelola hosting tersebut ke polisi.

"Insya Allah tanggal 2 mei 2010 kami bersama kuasa hukum akan mengajukan laporan ke pihak berwajib atas beberapa pelanggaran yg dilakukan oleh pihak merujuk dari UU ITE (Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik) pasal 26-27," jelas Fachrul Rozy, admin sekuritionline, yang juga pengelola, kepada okezone melalui surat elektronik, Jumat (30/4/2010).

Ditambahkan olehnya, mereka akan mengajukan tuntutan secara perdata maupun pidana. Sesuai dengan pasal 26-27 UU ITE tersebut mereka akan mengenakan denda hingga Rp1 Miliar dan pengusutan tuntas oknum yang bertanggung jawab atas pencurian data situsnya.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, sebuah website yang beralamat di, mereka mengakui bahwa diketahui telah mengalami pencurian script ketika sebuah website yang beralamat di muncul.Situs tersebut telah nyata nyata merupakan duplikasi dari

"Dari hasil pengamatan sederhana terbukti dari CSS dan Adsense yang digunakan, sama persis dengan punya findtoyou," sebut Fachrul.

Namun saat okezone mengunjungi situs, sudah tidak bisa diakses lagi. Menurut Fachrul, di-close oleh penyedia hosting, pukul 12 Jumat dini hari, tanpa ada konfirmasi kepada kami selaku pihak yang dirugikan.

Menurut penulusuran sekurionline, kasus pencurian script ini menjadi menarik karena dilakukan oleh oknum staff pemilik hosting, tempat berada, yaitu Dari berbagai bukti yang telah dikumpulkan, kuat dugaan bahwa oknum staff pemilik VPS inilah yang telah melakukan jumping terhadap script

Findtoyou sendiri adalah sebuah website yang dirancang sebagai search engine baru dengan fungsi pencarian berbagai tipe file multimedia, dokumen office, software dan juga akses ke database file sharing, sepeti rapidshare, megauplod dan torrent. (srn)
