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Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

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Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Istilah Dasar Dalam Twitter

Kembali lagi di ViperGoy Blog. Kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang Istilah Dasar Dalam Twitter. Nah, sesuai dengan judul artikel, saya akan memberikan Istilah atau Kamus kecil kata-kata yang sering digunakan dalam Dunia Twitter, mungkin anda baru bergabung atau masuk didunia twitter dan belum mengetahui Istilah Dasar Di Twitter. Jangan kawatir atau sedih dulu, Saya ViperGoy akan membantu anda dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini. Langsung saja ya ^^ Cekidot ..

1. Tweet
Tweet adalah apa yang kita tulis atau posting di dalam Twitter (Seperti menulis status difacebook)

2. Following
Following adalah orang yang kita ikuti. Dengan following seseorang maka kita akan mendapat recent update dari orang tersebut.

3. Follower
Follower adalah orang yang mengikuti kita, seperti kebalikan dari Following maka dengan memiliki banyak Follower semakin banyak pula yang membaca atau mengetahui recent update kita.

4. Mention
Mention adalah suatu cara untuk membuat link terhadap suatu account twitter. Cara ini biasanya digunakan saat kita akan me-reply tweet atau ingin menandai suatu tweet kepada seseorang.
Symbol : @

5. ReTweet
ReTweet (RT) dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah mengulang tweet seseorang maka ReTweet memiliki makna bahwa kita mengulang (mengcopy) tweet seseorang untuk disampaikan kembali kepada para Follower kita. ReTweet juga bisa kita sisipkan comment sebelumnya, sehingga bisa juga digunakan sebagai alternatif dari Reply.
Symbol : RT

6. HashTags
HashTags gunanya agar pengguna lain yang melihat bisa mencari topik sejenis yang ditulis orang lain dengan mudah. Intinya mengelompokkan suatu kata agar mudah di searching. Misal : #ViperGoy , #Blogging, dll
Symbol : HT

7. Trending Topic
Trending Topic adalah suatu topik yang sedang banyak dibicarakan dalam twitter, semakin banyak pengguna twitter yang membicarakan suatu topik maka semakin lama pula topik tersebut bertahan di halaman utama twitter dan akan menjadi Trending Topik.

8. OverHeard
OverHeard artinya Anda mendengar (melihat) tweet milik orang lain yang sangat menarik, tetapi Anda tidak ingin menyebutkan siapa yang menulis tweet tersebut. (Berbeda dengan RT yang menyebutkan sumber tweet).
Symbol : OH

9. HeardTrough
HeardTrough dilambangkan dengan HT , tiba-tiba Anda teringat dengan kata-kata menarik yang diucapkan teman Anda kemarin. Anda dapat menulisnya pada tweet dengan HT (singkatan Heard Trough). HT berbeda dengan RT, karena HT adalah kata-kata yang Anda dengar pada kehidupan nyata.
Symbol : HT

10. Favorites
Favorite adalah cara untuk menyimpan suatu tweet yang kita anggap menarik sehingga dapat kita baca lagi suatu saat.

11. DirectMassage
Semacam Email terhadap pengguna tweet langsung sehingga tidak memungkinkan orang lain untuk membacanya.
Symbol : DM

12. Tweeple
Tweeple adalah sebutan bagi pengguna twitter itu sendiri, Saya sendiri lebih suka menyebut Tweepers.

13. Reply
Reply adalah balasan atas suatu tweet dengan langsung mengarah pada si pembuat tweet itu.
Caranya adalah dengan meletakkan mention, kemudian username lantas comment kita atas tweet tersebut.

Jangan lupa Follow Twitter saya , @viper10051
Semoga artikel Istilah Dasar Dalam Twitter dapat bermanfaat bagi anda ^^
Terima kasih ^^

Twitter malware warning: It's you on photo? or It's about you? 28-07-2012

Summary: A new piece of malware is spreading on Twitter by getting users to click on a link that allegedly features a photo of them. There is no such photo on the other end.
Security researchers have discovered a new Twitter scam campaign that is spreading quickly across the social network by claiming to be a photo of the victim. Please be warned: there is no photo. There are, however, individuals very interested in putting the Blackhole exploit kit onto your computer (note: this is not the first time Twitter users are specifically being targeted, and it certainly won't be the last).
The malware uses at least two different messages to spread. Twitter searches for "It's you on photo?" and "It's about you?" show that the scam is still circulating widely.
As you can see in the screenshot above, the malicious tweets follow this pattern (please note that the cybercriminals can change the scam's wording as they please):
@[username] It's about you? http://[domain]/#[username].html
@[username] It's you on photo? http://[domain]/#[username].html
I'm EmilProtalinski on Twitter. As such, if I was targeted by this scam, the message would look like this:
@emilprotalinski It's you on photo? http://[domain]/#emilprotalinski.html
@emilprotalinski It's about you? http://[domain]/#emilprotalinski.html
Sophos, which first discovered this threat, detects the malware at the end of the link as "Troj/JSRedir-HY" and "Troj/Agent-XES." The security firm says the script redirects to an IP address which in turn redirects to a domain to load executable code, ultimately taking you to a .su domain that contains the Blackhole exploit kit.
"Thousands of malicious links are being spammed out, targeting innocent users of the micro-blogging network," a Sophos spokesperson said in a statement. "There's a real danger that if Twitter users have not properly protected their PCs, and unless they are warned of the risk, that many people will click on the links without suspecting that they are putting their computer and personal data at risk."
Webroot says that in addition to this English-based attack, a Russian spam campaign, which started on July 23, appears to be the origin of this attack. This makes sense given that many of the domains appear to be .ru (and the redirection seems to take place through
"The campaign is currently propagating in the following way – an automatically generated subdomain is spamvertised with an .html link consisting of the name of the prospective victim," a Webroot spokesperson said in a statement. "The cybercriminals behind the campaign are harvesting Twitter user names, then automatically generating the username.html files."
As a general word of caution, don't click on random Twitter links that are directed at you. If you aren't sure why someone is sending you a link, ask them.
See also:
Topics: SecurityMalware
more read here

Twitter Confirms Removing Follow Graph From Instagram's 'Find Friends' 28-07-2012

Twitter has confirmed the removal of its follow graph data fromInstagram, disabling the "Find Twitter Friends" feature in the photo app. Users can still find people from their phone's contact list andFacebook friends list.
"We understand that there's great value associated with Twitter's follow graph data, and we can confirm that it is no longer available within Instagram," Twitter spokeswoman Carolyn Penner toldMashable.
On Thursday, Instagram users began noticing a pop-up message (see above), which says the app is unable to find users’ Twitter contacts because of API tweaks on Twitter's end. However, the feature appears to still work for some users.
This is Twitter's second high-profile parting of the ways within a month. In late June, Twitter cut ties with LinkedIn, ending a partnership that synced updates from one site to the other.
SEE ALSO: 25 Most-Followed Users on Instagram [PICS]
The separations from Instagram and LinkedIn are in line with recent statements from Twitter CEODick Costolo, who says he wants companies to build into Twitter instead of building off of it.
Should Twitter continue part ways with other apps? Is it a smart move? Let us know below.

BONUS: The USA Basketball Team’s Instagram Shots Are Ridiculously Awesome

1. via Kevin Durant (Instagram: @trey5)

When a couple shots of players including Oklahoma City Thunder teammates Durant and James Harden checking out Barcelona by Segway hit the web Wednesday morning, we all learned an important lesson: Supercool basketball stars do dorky tourist things, too!
This story originally published on Mashable here.

Twitter to release tool that exports users' tweet history 28-07-2012

Following the path of Facebook, Twitter's CEO says the company is developing a new feature that will let users download all tweets they ever posted to the social network.

Twitter is developing a new tool that will let users export their whole tweet history -- everything from smart observations to those embarrassing tweets that people may not want to remember.
"We're working on a tool to let users export all of their tweets," Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said in a meeting with The New York Times yesterday. "You'll be able to download a file of them."
As of now, users can only search back through the last few thousand posts. And even thoughthird-party sites and apps let users backup their tweets, they can be costly or cumbersome. Some third party sites like Politwoops lets users see just the record of certain people's tweets, such as politicians.
Other social media companies, such as Facebook, have already rolled out backup systems for users, according to The New York Times. Twitter's growth in popularity and transition to an international news and communication network has obviously created a demand for a similar type of export feature.
Even though the new tool will let users look at their own tweets, Costolo told the Times that it wouldn't let people explore other users' backlogs of posts. This is significant because the company is in the middle of a lawsuit with New York State over tweet records of an Occupy Wall Street protester, in which the social network is refusing to hand over the protester's history.
Costolo did not tell The New York Times when the tool will become available but he did confirm it is in the works.

Apple Officials Said to Consider Stake in Twitter 28-07-2012

Apple, which has stumbled in its efforts to get into social media, has talked with Twitter in recent months about making a strategic investment in it, according to people briefed on the matter.
Apple has worked Twitter into its computer operating system.
Apple made it easy to send photos from iPhone to Twitter.

Readers’ Comments

While Apple has been hugely successful in selling phones and tablets, it has little traction in social networking, which has become a major engine of activity on the Web and on mobile devices. Social media are increasingly influencing how people spend their time and money — an important consideration for Apple, which also sells applications, games, music and movies.
Apple has considered an investment in the hundreds of millions of dollars, one that could value Twitter at more than $10 billion, up from an $8.4 billion valuation last year, these people said. They declined to be named because the discussions were private.
There is no guarantee that the two companies, which are not in negotiations at the moment, will come to an agreement. But the earlier talks are a sign that they may form a stronger partnership amid intensifying competition from the likes of Google and Facebook.
Apple has not made many friends in social media. Its relationship with Facebook, for example, has been strained since a deal to build Facebook features into Ping, Apple’s music-centric social network, fell apart. Facebook is also aligned with Microsoft, which owns a small stake in it. And Google, an Apple rival in the phone market, has been pushing its own social network, Google Plus.
“Apple doesn’t have to own a social network,” Timothy D. Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said at a recent technology conference. “But does Apple need to be social? Yes.”
Twitter and Apple have already been working together. Recently, Apple has tightly sewn Twitter features into its software for phones, tablets and computers, while, behind the scenes, Twitter has put more resources into managing its relationship with Apple.
Though an investment in Twitter would not be a big financial move for Apple by any stretch — it has $117 billion in liquid investments, and itquietly agreed to buy a mobile security company for $356 million on Friday — it would be one of Mr. Cook’s most important strategic decisions as chief executive. And it would be an uncommon arrangement for Apple, which tends to buy small start-ups that are then absorbed into the company.
But such a deal would give Apple more access to Twitter’s deep understanding of the social Web, and pave the way for closer Twitter integration into Apple’s products.
Twitter has grown quickly, amassing more than 140 million monthly active users who generate a vast stream of short messages about their lives, the news and everything else. An Apple investment would give it the glow of a close relationship with a technology icon, and would instantly bolster its valuation, which, like that of other start-ups, has languished in the wake of Facebook’s lackluster market debut. In fact, word of the talks comes at a time when some are asking whether expectations for the potential of social media companies have gotten out of hand, and shares of Facebook, Zynga and other companies have wilted.
But Twitter does not need Apple’s cash. Earlier this year, Dick Costolo, Twitter’s chief executive, said the company had “truckloads of money in the bank.”
The truckloads, according to people familiar with the matter, add up to more than $600 million in cash on hand. This comes from the $1 billion in financing it has raised over the years and, more recently, from a healthy flow of advertising revenue.
Regardless, Twitter is widely expected to pursue a public offering within the next couple of years, whether or not it agrees to deals with investors like Apple.
Apple and Twitter are logical partners in some ways. Unlike Facebook or Google, Twitter has no plans to compete with Apple in the phone business or elsewhere. And as Apple has found, social is just not in its DNA.
“Those guys are a great partner,” Mr. Costolo said of Apple in a recent interview. “We think of them as a company that our company looks up to.” Mr. Costolo would not discuss any potential investments or anything else related to the company’s relationship with Apple.
Spokesmen for both Apple and Twitter said on Friday that their companies did not comment on rumors.
If an investment were to happen, Twitter’s chief financial officer, Ali Rowghani, would be instrumental in cementing the deal. Mr. Rowghani joined Twitter in early 2010 after nine years at Pixar Animation Studios, where he worked directly with Steven P. Jobs, Apple’s co-founder.
Ties between Apple and Twitter are strengthening at a time of great uncertainty in the mobile market. Battle lines that seemed clear just a year ago are rapidly blurring as companies push into new areas of the market and clash with former allies.
Facebook, the world’s largest social network, is said to be working on developing its own phone or core software for phones. Similarly, Google acquired Motorola Mobility last year and is now in the business of building phones.
The jumbled landscape reflects the rising significance of mobile, as more consumers neglect their desktops in favor of computing that fits in their pockets. Eager to win on such a critical battleground, technology giants are rushing to control both hardware and software on mobile devices.
The turf wars have fortified alliances and pushed companies to choose sides. Apple’s dealings with Twitter, for instance, began after its relationship with Facebook soured. In 2010, the company was eager to integrate its Ping service with Facebook, but discussions broke down. Mr. Jobs, the Apple chief executive who died last year, told the technology news site AllThingsD that Facebook had demanded “onerous terms that we could not agree to.”
Apple, which had spent months preparing to hook Facebook into iOS, its mobile operating system, swiftly reworked it for Twitter. One former Twitter employee, who described Twitter as the “lucky mistress” in this chain of events, said the partnership was essentially “handed to Twitter on a silver platter.” Ping, in the end, never caught on with users.
For Twitter, the union has proved fruitful. The mobile integration, introduced in late 2011, made it easy for iPhone and iPad users to sling photos, maps and other media directly to Twitter. So far they have generated some 10 billion tweets. And, in recent months, Apple has also incorporated Twitter features into its operating system for computers as well as its advertising service.
The relationship with Apple is so prized at Twitter that the company assigned a vice president, Kevin Thau, to work with Apple full time, according to an Apple employee who asked not to be named.
Apple’s relationship with Facebook has started to thaw. Last month, the company said it would add Facebook features to the next version of its mobile operating system. Still, the two companies are wary of each other. Facebook, which recently began its own “App Center” and is intent on bulking up its mobile revenue, is likely to continue to bump up against Apple.
Analysts are concerned that Apple may fall behind in mobile software because of ...
more read here.

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Short URL Generator

Kembali lagi di ViperGoy Blog. Nah, saya akan memberikan informasi tentang Short URL Generator. Nah, Short URL Generator itu apa sih ? Short URL Generator itu berfungsi untuk memendekkan URL/Link. Saya beri contoh agar kalian mudah mengerti,
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Terima Kasih ^^

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Perawan Inca berusia 15 tahun yang dikorbankan 500 tahun lalu ternyata memendam rahasia. Remaja itu sedang menderita infeksi bakteri paru-paru pada saat kematiannya. Hal ini berdasarkan laporan para ilmuwan Rabu (25/7).

Para peneliti sudah menganalisis protein selaput, dan bukan DNA, dari si Perawan dan mumi Inca remaja lain yang meninggal di saat bersamaan.

Dalam dekade terakhir, teknik DNA memang terbukti berguna untuk memecah misteri-misteri kuno seperti bagaimana Raja Tut mati. Tetapi teknik ini masih memiliki kekurangan, misalnya menemukan bukti bahwa parasit yang menyebabkan malaria di sistem tubuh Raja Tut bukan berarti si Raja Mesir ini menderita gejala-gejala malaria. Lingkungan sekitar juga dapat merusak sampel DNA jika para peneliti tidak hati-hati.

Perawan Inca berusia 15 tahun yang dikorbankan 500 tahun lalu ternyata memendam rahasia. Remaja itu sedang menderita infeksi bakteri paru-paru pada saat kematiannya. Hal ini berdasarkan laporan para ilmuwan Rabu (25/7).

Para peneliti sudah menganalisis protein selaput, dan bukan DNA, dari si Perawan dan mumi Inca remaja lain yang meninggal di saat bersamaan.

Dalam dekade terakhir, teknik DNA memang terbukti berguna untuk memecah misteri-misteri kuno seperti bagaimana Raja Tut mati. Tetapi teknik ini masih memiliki kekurangan, misalnya menemukan bukti bahwa parasit yang menyebabkan malaria di sistem tubuh Raja Tut bukan berarti si Raja Mesir ini menderita gejala-gejala malaria. Lingkungan sekitar juga dapat merusak sampel DNA jika para peneliti tidak hati-hati.

Di sisi lain, menganalisis sampel protein, yang bisa lebih terlindung dari pencemaran lingkungan, memunculkan perangkat informasi yang berbeda. "Sebagai ekspresi DNA, protein menunjukkan apa yang dihasilkan tubuh pada saat individual diambil sampelnya, atau dalam kasus kami, pada saat kematian," kata peneliti kasus ini Angelique Corthals, antropolog forensik di City University of New York kepada LiveScience. Secara khusus, protein bisa memberi informasi apakah sistem kekebalan tubuh sedang aktif untuk melawan penyakit.

Mumi-mumi Llullaillaco
Dalam studi mereka, Corthals and kolega-koleganya mengambil sapuan mulut dari dari dua mumi Inca Andes, seorang anak laki-laki usia 7 tahun dan "si Perawan", dan sampel dari jubah si anak laki-laki yang berdarah. Dua mumi belia ini ditemukan pada 1999 dan awalnya terkubur di puncak gunung api Argentina Llullaillaco, dengan ketinggian 6739 meter di atas permukaan laut, setelah dikorbankan untuk ritual persembahan.

Riset-riset lalu menemukan bahwa anak laki-laki dan gadis muda ini digemukkan dulu sebelum persembahan. Makanan yang mereka makan adalah diet khas petani berupa kentang dan berbagai sayur-sayuran, lalu setahun sebelum persembahan mereka mulai diberi makanan elite seperti daging llama kering dan tepung jagung.

Mumi anak laki-laki usia 7 tahun.

Setelah dipersembahkan, suhu yang membeku secara alami mengawetkan lemak di tubuh mereka.

"Yang saya ingin lihat adalah dari mana asal darah yang ada di pakaian mumi dan bibir mereka," kata Corthals. "Tapi ternyata kami menemukan lebih banyak jawaban dari yang kami perkirakan sebelumnya."

Arkeolog juga menemukan mumi ketiga, gadis usia 6 tahun, bersama dengan dua mumi di atas. Mumi ini tampaknya tersambar petir, sehingga sampelnya mungkin terkontaminasi. Oleh karena itu, Corthals dan timnya tidak mengambil sampel dari mumi ketiga ini.

Mumi anak usia 6 tahun yang juga ditemukan dan diduga tersambar petir.

Infeksi paru-paru ditemukan
Para peneliti menggunakan teknik yang mereka sebut 'shotgun proteomic'. Mereka menaruh sampel ke sebuah alat beranama spectrometer massa, yang kemudian memecah sampel protein tersebut ke beberapa bagian rantai asam amino. Sebuah perangkat lunak kemudian membandingkan bagian-bagian ini dengan protein manusia yang sudah ada untuk menentukan, apa saja protein yang ada di sampel. "Anda tidak bisa menggunakan teknik ini untuk organisme yang tidak kita miliki genomnya secara lengkap," kata Corthals.

Mereka menemukan bahwa profil Si Perawan cocok dengan pasien pengidap infeksi pernapasan kronis. X-ray yang kemudian diambil dari paru-parunya juga menunjukkan infeksi paru-paru. Untuk mengetahui apakah Si Perawan memiliki sesuatu dalam tubuhnya yang mengandung infeksi, para peneliti mengubah analisis DNA dan menemukan bukti bakteri dari genus Mycobacterium, yang biasanya menyebabkan infeksi trakhea pernapasan bagian atas dan tuberculosis.

Model statistik menemukan bahwa bacterium tersebut jatuh pada kelompok penyebab TB, meski spesiesnya belum diketahui, mungkin karena DNA-nya belum diurutkan.

Sementara si anak laki-laki Llullaillaco tidak memiliki penyakit atau bakteri patogen.

Riset ini menunjukkan bahwa 'shotgun proteomic' memiliki peran penting dalam menentukan penyakit atau kematian dalam kasus arkeologi, medis, atau kriminal. Menurut Corthal, metode ini juga mungkin bisa digunakan untuk menentukan bakteri patogen mana yang menjadi pembunuh utama saat beberapa infeksi terjadi bersamaan.

Kini Corthals ingin mengetahui apakah teknik ini dapat digunakan pada sampel-sampel yang tidak terjaga dengan baik, seperti materi tengkorak atau mumi Mesir.

Berikutnya, teknik pengenalan protein ini akan digunakan di luar bidang arkeologi. "Saya rasa penggunaan terbesarnya akan terjadi di bidang ilmu forensik kriminal," kata Corthals.

Studi terbaru ini dijelaskan mendetail secara online di jurnal PLoS One.
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Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

'Freak double data center failure' takes down Twitter 27-07-2012

A freak double failure in its data centers took Twitter down for around an hour Thursday, leaving millions without updates from friends, celebrities and news providers a day ahead of the Olympics.
"We are sorry," said Mazen Rawashdeh, Twitter's vice president of engineering, in a message on the company's support blog.
"Many of you came to Twitter earlier today expecting, well, Twitter. Instead, between around 8:20 am and 9:00 am Pacific Time (1720 GMT to 1800 GMT), users around the world got zilch from us," he said.
"By about 10:25 am (1925 GMT) Pacific Time, people who came to Twitter finally got what they expected: Twitter," he said, after the service was gradually restored and many users posted messages expressing relief in sarcastic terms.
"Wow. Wasn't sure I'd survive that @twitter outage. I even took to Facebook. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankful it's back," Michael Schlact tweeted.
"Took time during the Twitter outage to explore some self-improvement," Jason Carlin tweeted. "I've written two novels, learned Esperanto, and knitted a sweater."
Last month the service was taken down for several hours by what the company described as a "cascading bug," but the company said this time it had fallen victim to a double failure in its data centers.
"Data centers are designed to be redundant: when one system fails, as everything does at one time or another, a parallel system takes over," Rawashdeh said in a message to users.
"What was noteworthy about today's outage was the coincidental failure of two parallel systems at nearly the same time.
"I wish I could say that today's outage could be explained by the Olympics or even a cascading bug. Instead, it was due to this infrastructural double-whammy," he explained.
"We are investing aggressively in our systems to avoid this situation in the future," he promised.
In its early days, Twitter was notoriously unstable and would display a picture known as the "fail whale" on its home page when it experienced one of its frequent outages.
The service has become more reliable over the past couple of years, however, and down time is now infrequent.
At the Olympics, athletes are expected to share their Twitter handles, and tweet their experiences using the site.
Twitter, which allows its members to post brief comments, links or pictures, claims to have more than 140 million active users, with the largest number being in the United States.
A recent survey found one in seven Americans who go online use Twitter and eight percent do so every day.

Twitter explains, apologizes for outage 27-07-2012

(CBS News) Twitter released an explanation and apology for the service outage on Thursday. Twitter down on the heels of Google Talk outage Twitter, Google Talk back up The company said the root of the problem was a failure of two parallel systems at its data center. Twitter released this statement on its blog: We are sorry. Many of you came to Twitter earlier today expecting, well, Twitter. Instead, between around 8:20am and 9:00am PT, users around the world got zilch from us. By about 10:25am PT, people who came to Twitter finally got what they expected: Twitter. The cause of today's outage came from within our data centers. Data centers are designed to be redundant: when one system fails (as everything does at one time or another), a parallel system takes over. What was noteworthy about today's outage was the coincidental failure of two parallel systems at nearly the same time. I wish I could say that today's outage could be explained by the Olympics or even a cascading bug. Instead, it was due to this infrastructural double-whammy. We are investing aggressively in our systems to avoid this situation in the future. more read here

Why Was Twitter Down? According to Twitter, It Was Because "Reason" 27-07-2012

Twitter has crashed so many times in its young history that it's hardly news anymore when it happens. The site's "fail whale" notice, which usually appears when it's over capacity, has become an Internet icon. Today, though, the site went down around 11:48 eastern time and no fail whale went up. Instead, many visitors to the Twitter homepagewere greeted by the image shown in the screenshot above—which, if anything, only raises the bar for amusing error messages. 
Adding to the fun is the Twitter status page, which acknowledges that "users may be experiencing issues accessing Twitter"—and then offers a "tweet" button to make it easy for you to share the news of Twitter's outage on Twitter. Good luck with that!
For what it's worth, Twitter's press team doesn't seem to have any more information than the site itself. When I asked why it was down, a rep responded, "We're aware of the issue and are looking into it. Will let you know when we have an update. And keep an eye on for updates as well." Oh, I am. And I'll also be holding Twitter to its commitment to have the site back up promptly in "deadline."

Twitter Really Needs to Add These Features Immediately 27-07-2012

As much as Twitter has grown over the years, it's still a pretty bare bones service. Take for example its take on famous accounts, all Twitter does is slap a verified tag on it. But isn't there more potential there? Couldn't Twitter use verified badges to categorize Twitter accounts?College Humor thought so and cooked up these hilarious badges.
To cover all the bases, College Humor created verified badges for self explanatory titles like Out of Touch Corporate Accounts, SEO Experts, Legitimately Funny Accounts, Firebrands (people about to screw up basically), Disappointing Accounts, Clever Single-Serving Blogs, etc.

But you don't have to stop there! What about "Constantly Being Chased By an Angry Hawk"? That's for the inane folks who do inane things like spelling words incorrectly. Or the "Big Fucking Deal" badge? That's for the self-congratulators who pimp their own Twitter popularity. See, if Twitter needs to find a way to make money, creating these badges would be a very good start. [College Humor]

No API For You: Twitter Shuts Off “Find Friends” Feature For Instagram 27-07-2012

Instagram has just announced 80 million usersand a new app update; Noticeably missing in the update? The “Find Your Friends” on Twitter feature, which allowed users to follow the same people they follow on Twitter on Instagram.
The “Tweet Photo” feature is still available.
We’ve learned that the feature is missing due to API restrictions from Twitter’s end, restrictions that possibly came about over concerns about Instagram’s scale and its strain on data pulls.
Many social apps like The Fancy and Foursquare still have access to this part of the Twitter API — it seems very likely that Instagram was the largest developer using the Twitter Friend Graph.

The decision is especially perplexing for multiple reasons having to do with Valley politics: Twitter founder Jack Dorsey is also an investor in Instagram and the two companies share Benchmark as an investor. One could speculate that this is a competitive move on Twitter’s part, a direct attack on Facebook’s social graph via limiting access to its recent acquisition (Instagram).
Twitter’s agenda here isn’t at all clear, but one possibility is that it wants to control the photos experience on its platform (and preclude Facebook from doing the same). Selectively limiting API access by company is definitely strange behavior in an ecosystem that thrives on API symbiosis. Imagine if Google just decided to shut off Google Maps access to apps randomly?
Still, Facebook has done similar to Twitter in past years. For example, it blocked Twitter’s accessto Facebook’s in-app friend finder feature in June of 2010.
Before this, Twitter’s most recent move in the API wars was pulling tweets off of LinkedIn, a decision that now seems like the beginning of a slippery slope.

Twitter crashes amid Olympic fever 27-07-2012

Heavy traffic and an unidentified problem have taken Twitter offline on the eve of the Olympics.

The company posted an update on its blog at 4.43pm on Thursday saying "Users may be experiencing issues accessing Twitter. Our engineers are currently working to resolve the issue."
Users immediately took to Facebook, with some identifying the first problems at 4.30pm. The site did not respond to initial requests for comment.
Services were largely restored by 5.15pm. On its software developer website, Twitter however still listed service disruptions for features including user statuses, user search, friends lists and showing users who follows them and who they follow.
Last month Twitter blamed a "cascading bug" for the outage which also drove frustrated users to other social media sites to complain.
On Facebook, a member wrote: "Be honest. Did you spend most ofTwitter being down desperately trying to tweet about Twitter being down?"
A Tumblr user added: "Twitters broke, my life has no meaning anymore."
Shortly after the site returned, one user tweeted: "OMG..twitter was down....closest thing to living without oxygen for most of us...."
Mazen Rawashdeh, Twitter's vice president of engineering, said at the time of the original outage "It’s imperative that we remain available around the world, and today we stumbled. For that we offer our most sincere apologies and hope you’ll be able to breathe easier now."
He said that engineers found a "cascading bug with one of our infrastructure components". Mr Rawashdeh added: "A 'cascading bug' is a bug with an effect that isn’t confined to a particular software element, but rather its effect 'cascades' into other elements as well.
"One of the characteristics of such a bug is that it can have a significant impact on all users, worldwide, which was the case today. As soon as we discovered it, we took corrective actions, which included rolling back to a previous stable version of Twitter."
Shortly after Twitter first went down a hacker claimed responsibility for taking the site down. 'Cosmo The God' said: "We just took down with a DDoS Flood, its been down for 30minutes now."
Cosmo is linked to the hacking group UG Nazi, which has previously claimed attacks on a number of websites including, CloudFlare and
Twitter later denied that the outage was related to activity by hackers.
Twitter, founded in 2006, was plagued in its early years by frequent outages as its servers struggled to handle the ever-rising volume of tweets generated by users worldwide.
The company, which has been under pressure to demonstrate a viable business model, has also made an emphasis on improving its site reliability in recent years.
But the service, which hosts 400 million tweets daily, still experiences periodic disruptions.