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Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Academic Fraud 2.0

When I moved to Asia, I pretty much stopped assigning writing as homework. One of the main reasons was because it was too simple for a student to have a tutor write the assignment for them. But academic fraud, or academic dishonesty, or academic honesty (for you optimists out there) isn't only an issue in Asia. It happens everywhere and with the explosion of websites and online tools, it is growing at an alarming rate; especially at the university level. Don't believe me, professor? Let me introduce you to American Homework
What exactly do the good people at American Homework do? They do your math or science homework for you. Who do they hope to serve? American university students; a great market with some disposable cash. Nice, eh? The interesting part with this website is that I found it from Dave's ESL Cafe and Craigslist. The American Homework team is focusing their employee search in countries like Philippines, Pakistan, and India. I have nothing against people in developing nations making a buck off some rich kids (comparatively); but, should students from the developed nations of the world be using these people as a form of academic economic slave labor? There are some ethical questions here that go well beyond simple academic integrity. Why do students in the US think it is fine to purchase the correct answer? I guess they have learned their new tricks from the business world -- outsource the jobs to some place where labor is cheaper. It is sad to see that this idea has spread to doing homework.

But the people at American Homework aren't the only ones out there making a buck off of lazy US students, people on are also into it. If you are unfamiliar with Fiverr, allow me to introduce you to the website: it is an online market place for people to exchange services for money. People are willing to do work for five dollars (hence the name of the site). One of the services you can purchase is help with your homework.

Clearly discussions about academic fraud aren't going away anytime soon. As educators at any grade level, we need to stop and ask ourselves how we can encourage students to learn to love learning, not simply find the correct answer as quickly and cheaply as possible. Parents should encourage their children to learn and worry less about the grade attached to the learning. University professors should ask themselves, who is really doing this homework?

Blogger | Kumpulan Tips Trik - Tutorial Blogspot


Tips Trik Blogger - Kumpulan Tutorial Blogspot, artikel ini adalah beberapa kumpulan tips Blogger dan info dari blog saya , meskipun koleksinya belum banyak tapi mudah-mudahan bisa membantu khususnya bagi anda yang sedang belajar membuat blog dengan platform Blogger/Blogspot, sebelumnya saya mohon maaf kalau ada satu atau beberapa tutorial yang mungkin tidak bisa digunakan atau tidak bisa bekerja dengan baik lagi dikarenakan oleh beberapa faktor, tetapi saya akan berusaha untuk meng-edit dan update kembali agar bisa digunakan dan berfungsi lagi

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Jumat, 28 September 2012

Everything Is Blue Skies WIth The Etsy Twitter Team

Warm days and cool nights are here with the beginning of Fall weather.
Everyday is sunny and blue skies are here for everyone to enjoy.
No better team to share this then my Etsy Twitter Teammates!
 The STATE STREET Wrap N Tie Cowl - Sky Blue  
By yarncoture
Caribbean Blue Hand Dyed Silk Chiffon Scarf
By  MommaGoddess
By prettywhimsical
By FoxyGknits
By smutopia
By mysassyglass 
By scrapwithstyle
By AbbyChaseDesigns
By The ChainMaille Lady
By SewDanish
By MyLittleChick

Hope  you all enjoyed a little piece of blue happiness from my oh so talented Etsy Twitter Team!



Rabu, 26 September 2012


Cara posting Blogspot Menggunakan HP - Blogspot sebagai anak asuh google tentu memiliki fitur yang special dibanding website yang lain. Tapi untuk pengguna Handphone dengan operating system Symbian dan Java sejak blogspot menggunakan tampilan dinamis, mulai mengerenyitkan keningnya
Tampilan dinamis memang cukup merepotkan, karena memory handphone yang kecil tentu tidak mampu mengoperasikan data flash.
Satu-satunya cara agar tetap mampu mengoperasikan blog di blogspot adalah menggunakan tampilan dashboard lama. Untuk yang baru membuat blog di blogspot, sudah akan menggunakan tampilan dashboard yang baru atau tampilan dinamis.
Untuk yang baru membuat atau untuk yang sudah terlanjur beralih ke tampilan dinamis, masih bisa kembali ke tampilan lama dengan melewati url seperti di text area berikut:

Ganti tulisan "ID kamu" dengan Id yang bisa kamu cari melalui cara seperti yang sudah saya sampaikan di CARA POSTING BLOGSPOT MENGGUNAKAN HP Ingat penulisan tidak boleh ada spasi. Berikut ini contoh url yang sudah diberi ID, ingat id di sini hanyalah contoh. Tidak akan bisa kamu buka kecuali kamu tahu passwordnya. Berikut contohnya:
Sekarang kita sudah bisa mulai blogging. Silahkan atur blog kamu sesuka hati kamu.

Senin, 24 September 2012


Mungkin kita ingin tahu blogger – blogger yang berada satu kota dengan kita, siapa tahu tetangga di samping atau di depan rumah kita pun ternyata blogger juga, atau kita ingin mengetahui blogger dari kota lainnya.

Caranya yaitu dengan memasukan alamat berikut di address bar browser anda,
Blogger seluruh Indonesia :

Blogger dalam satu provinsi :

Blogger dalam satu kota/ kabupaten :

Keterangan : Silakan ganti hurup yang berwarna Kuning sesuai dengan kode negara, nama provinsi dan nama kota yang ingin anda cari.

ID : kode untuk Indonesia.
Jawa+Barat : nama provinsi. Tanda + berfungsi sebagai spasi pada nama provinsi dengan dua kata atau lebih.
Garut : nama kota/kabupaten. .

Turn On Advanced iMovie Features

Did you know that iMovie has advanced features? Yep, it's true. Go to the iMovie menu and then to Preferences.


At this point you need to tick the box next to Turn on Advanced Features. Now you have access to blue screen, green screen, split screen, inset screen and more!


Now when you place a video clip on top of a video clip in your story board, you will have a new menu like the one in the photo below.

Minggu, 23 September 2012


Fenomena Hubungan Berbeda Agama

Hi Guys... Topik ini sudah kuno tapi saya posting lagi untuk mengingat kembali cerita lama tentang hubungan entah itu berpacaran atau telah menikah namun beda agama.

Sebuah hubungan pada dasarnya dimulai dari hati, barulah kemudian memikirkan tentang perbedaan ini saat hubungan sudah mulai memasuki batas serius. Nah di saat seperti ini lah sebuah keputusan akan susah untuk di ambil. Kebanyakan para pasangan akan meributkan hal ini, dan hanya beberapa yang mampu menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan baik.

Salah satu cara yang mereka tempuh adalah si Romeo ikut si Juliet atau si Juliet ikut si Romeo. Nah ada juga pasangan yang lebih memilih untuk menikah namun masih mempertahankan Agama masing-masing. Saling menghormati dan saling menjaga keyakinan masing-masing. Sahabat Blog mungkin anda berfikiran bahwa ini salah satu jalan yang baik. Saya juga sedikit berfikiran seperti itu. Tapi setelah ditelusur lagi. Bagaimana dengan keturunan kita nanti?  Ada yang menjawab : "Biarkan saja nanti mereka memilih Agama sesuai yang mereka yakini" dan ada juga yang menjawab : "jika mempunyai keturunan lebih dari satu maka satu ikut Agama ibu dan satu lagi ikut Agama Ayah.

Hummm... kalo difikir-fikir boleh juga jika sang anak setuju , karena kita tahu bahwa Agama tidak bisa dipaksakan. Tapi apakah hal itu baik? dan khususnya di Indonesia pernikahan berbeda Agama (tetap mempertahankan Agama masing-masing) tidak diizinkan... Nah lalu bagaimana? Siapa yang akan disalahkan untuk hal-hal demikian?

Jika anda termasuk orang yang belum mengalami kisah seperti ini atau mungkin baru saja akan memulai kisah seperti ini, ada baiknya anda membaca tulisan saya yang berjudul :

Menghindari sebuah permasalahan dalam hubungan jangka panjang atau baca juga Tips memilih pasangan yang baik dari sejak pertama anda mengenalnya

Nah kembali ke permasalahan hubungan berbeda Agama. Di lingkungan saya telah terbukti banyak terjadi pernikahan yang berbeda Agama yang bahagia. Beberapa di antara merka mampu untuk saling menghormati dan saling menjaga Keyakinan dan Agama mereka masing-masing. Kuncinya adalah menyadari bahwa Agama memang tidak bisa dipaksakan. dan saling menyadari bahwa Agama adalah tanggung jawab kita masing-masing, bukan keluarga ataupun orang tua. Sebuah hubungan bisa saja berjalan baik walau masing-masing pihak tetap mempertahankan Agama sendiri. Tapi perlu diketahui sangat sulit untuk menerima hal-hak tersebut. Jika salah akan menjadi Fatal pada akhirnya.

Ada pula cerita tentang pernikahan berbeda Agama dimana empat orang bersaudara kandung telah membina keluarga masing-masing. Dan uniknya keempat bersaudara itu mempunyai suami dan istri dari Agama yang berbeda-beda. sehingga membentuk sebuah keluarga besar baru untuk mereka. Sisi positifnya adalah mereka mampu saling menghormati dan menyelaraskan kehidupan mereka dengan saling memberikan toleransi. Saya sempat bertanya kepada salah satu anggota keluarga mereka, bagaimana bisa mereka membina hubungan yang sangat baik padahal mereka berbeda Keyakinan. Dan jawabanya sederhana, mereka mengerti bahwa Agama adalah pedoman hidup mereka masing-masing dan harus dipertanggung jawabkan masing-masing. Setiap agama mengajarkan tentang hal-hal yang mengarah kepada kebaikan, Jadi apa gunanya jika ajaran kebaikan tersebut malah tidak mampu kita resapi apalagi sampai menimbulkan permusuhan atau permasalahan dalam kehidupan.

Mencintai sebuah Agama adalah Wajib. dan menjaga sebuah keyakinan adalah kebutuhan kita. Nah hal kecil yang selalu dianggap sepele adalah bagaimana kita menjaga Keindahan Agama kita di mata Agam lain. dan Bagaimana memandang indah Agama lain di dalam menjalankan Agama kita sendiri. Betapan indahnya jika semua ajaran baik yang kita kenal tetap menjadi baik dan mampu menjadikan seluruh kehidupan menjadi lebih baik.

Selanjutnya akan saya posting sedikit pandangan tentang menjaga kerukunan antar umat ber Agama

Twitter Alters The Deal To Break Animated Gifs. Will They Alter It Any Further?

If you take a feature away from a popular service you need to have a really good reason and communicate that reason clearly. Any change of course for a company is tough, and if the decision has been made, good communication with the users is vital. If you want to bring them along with the pivoted product, they need to understand why.
Twitter rarely does well in that regard, but even less so this week. The changes at the company continued with media appearances on the Today show and the Charlie Rose table for CEO Dick Costolo, accompanied by some rather densely worded blog posts. These spots including such gems as “tap into a stream of useful and entertaining information personalized for you” and “the future of Twitter is that we’ll have a true platform… an API that allows third parties to build on top of Twitter in a way that creates accretive value for the user.”
In-between these ‘death by PowerPoint’ phrases, users have had to deal with the dilution of Twitter’s iPad client from a UI that worked with the large tablet form factor to an up-scaled version of the iPhone client; the removal of third-party image services from all the mobile clients; and the nagging feeling that their third-party apps are not long for this digital life, apps like the popular ‘macro’ service ‘If This Then That‘ which is losing all its Twitter features on September 27th.
Then the biggest irony so far.
In the week Twitter added the new banner image to better express yourself, they switched off the ability to use animated gifs in a user’s profile. Some profiles will remain grandfathered in until they change the picture, but again a method of expression on Twitter has been removed by Twitter, with little communication to the end users or clear reasoning why.
From here, it looks like Twitter is picking up its football to go home, and refusing to play with the developers and users that gave Twitter its position of popularity. Costolo has said the 140 character limit is sacrosanct, but it seems that everything else is fair game to disappear with no warning or quarter given.
There was a time when we thought MySpace could not fail. There was a time we thought Twitter would not fail. We were wrong about MySpace. What about Twitter?

Expand your experience: New Twitter for iPad

Today you can download the new Twitter for iPad. We’ve rebuilt the app from the ground up to make it fast, beautiful and easy to use. Twitter for iPad brings you closer to what’s happening all over the world, and makes it easy to keep up with the news you need to read, the photos you want to see and the people you follow.


Tweets come alive in the new Twitter for iPad. Expand Tweets with a single touch to see beautiful photos, rich videos and web page summaries right in your timeline. Dive into the content with another tap to see the photo, play the video or read links from the web in fullscreen mode.


Keep conversations going by tracking your interactions with other people: See who has followed or mentioned you, retweeted or favorited your Tweets.


Tap into a stream of useful and entertaining information personalized for you. Read news stories that are popular within your network, see which Tweets and accounts are favorited and followed by the people you know, see what topics are trending, and find great new accounts to follow.


Express yourself by adding a beautiful new header photo to your new profile. It appears consistently above your Tweets on iPad, mobile apps and, and you can change it anytime. You can also remember the moments you’ve shared on Twitter by swiping through your photo stream on your profile or tapping photos to go fullscreen.
Posted by Sung Hu Kim @sunghu
Product Manager
more read here

Twitter CEO promises interactive tweets, defends curbs

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter will soon roll out a free tool for users to handpick and publish selections of tweets, reflecting the company's commitment to remain a neutral, interactive platform rather than become a media company, CEO Dick Costolosaid Friday.
The new tool will allow users, including journalists, to manually curate and display tweets to accompany breaking news events.
"We've known for a long time that for events in the real world, the shared experience is on Twitter," Costolo said at the Online News Association conference in San Francisco. "We want to create an ability to curate those events."
Costolo dismissed speculation that Twitter had plans to operate like a traditional media company, following a recent move to restrict access to tweets only through its website or official app. Previously, many users could read tweets through third-party applications with extra features.
Observers had widely predicted that Twitter, founded in 2006, is intent on treating its stream of published tweets much like a traditional media product that it has full control over, and which it can charge for advertising.
"It's not about being a destination," Costolo said. "I'm a huge believer in syndication. Platform companies always outflank and outlast point solutions and individual products."
The decision to tighten control over tweets came after the company realized it had invested significant resources in its service, but other companies were making money off of it without adding "accretive value," Costolo said.
"We were spending all this money" eliminate fake accounts and improve the Twitter experience, Costolo said, but users still had a "choice" of "experiences." Fake accounts may be created by spammers or impersonators.
But the company has promised to unlock Twitter's full interactive potential once it has regained control over how users access Twitter across desktop computers and mobile devices.
Soon, users will see tweet boxes, known as cards, include live features that will look nothing like the 140-character messages units that they evolved in the early days of the service.
Costolo offered examples of interactive features, such as live polls for the NBA All Star game showing real-time results directly within a tweet box.
"We want to migrate to a world in which the 140 characters can serve as a caption for additional functionality," Costolo said. "We'd like that to include things like real-time data, even an application functionality."
One of the services available on third-party clients but not from Twitter itself - the ability for a user to download the full archive of his or her tweets - will be available by the end of the year, Costolo predicted.
In the hour-long talk, Costolo also revealed the scorching pace of expansion at his company. Twitter, which relocated into new offices in central San Francisco in July, now boasts 1,300 employees, more than three times its headcount just 18 months.
(Reporting By Gerry Shih; Editing by Richard Chang)
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The Primetime Emmys: Tweeting Along

The best of the television world will come together this Sunday for the 64th Primetime Emmy® Awards (@PrimeTimeEmmys). While most fans will be watching from home, they can still play a part in the action by following their favorite stars and shows, and even tweeting the winners a note of congratulations. Fans should:

1. Follow.  To make fans’ viewing experience more enjoyable, Twitter TV has curated all of the must-follow Emmy accounts  that includes nominees, top shows, live-tweeters, and more. In addition to the complete list, viewers can follow our Live-Tweeting Cast to get an inside peek at their experiences from the Red Carpet, in the audience and in some cases, from their own home. A sampling includes:

2. Join the Conversation. Users can visit our Emmys Events Page to stay up-to-date on the latest conversations as-they-happen. 

In addition, for the first time ever, fans can congratulate the winners using the hashtag #EmmysCongrats. These Tweets will be shown to the winners as they come off stage in the official Emmys Media Center. 

The 64th Primetime Emmys Awards will be produced by Don Mischer Productions (@DonMischerProd), airing Sunday at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT on ABC. Tune in to catch Hollywood’s biggest stars take the stage!

Grace Chu Lee - (@gracelee)  
TV Partnerships
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