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Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Hardware Komputer

Hardware Komputer dapat di artikan sebagai perangkat keras yang ada dalam komputer .Hardware Komputerbisa di bagi dalam 4 bagian Diantaranya :
1.Alat Input yang terdiri Dari :
-Touchscreen/layar sentuh
-Bar code Wand
-Kamera/Web cam
-Floppy Disk Drive
-Track Ball

2.Alat Output Yang Terdiri Dari:
-Ploppy disk Drive

3.Alat penyimpanan
-Memori Card

4.Yaitu alat terpenting dalam komputer Yaitu CPU
CPU /Central Prosesing Unit yang sering disebut juga sebagai otak komputer.

Definisi Dan Manfaat Komputer

Apa itu komputer ? Komputer bisa di definisikan sebagai alat elektronik yang berguna untuk membantu pekerjaan manusia , supaya lebih mudah,cepat dan akurat .Contohnya seperti PC (Personal Komputer),PDA (Personal Data Asistant) Laptop Dan Notebook .
Sekarang ini komputer tidak hanya digunakan untuk membantu pekerjaan manusia semata , tapi juga untuk sarana komunikasi dan hiburan, berkat adanya internet dan kemajuan tekhnologi komputer .Berkat kemajuan itu semua komputer sekarang bisa digunakan untuk nonton video,mendengarkan musik,Berkomunikasi ,seperti ( chatting,internet phone,sarana berkirim pesan seperti email,web cam untuk sarana komunikasi tatap muka ) bahkan mencari teman atau pacar dengan adanya situs-situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook,friendster,twitter,plurk dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya . komputer bisa juga di gunakan untuk bermain game Baik online maupun offline . Komputer saat ini juga bisa digunakan untuk mendesain gambar untuk keperluan desain grafis . dan masih banyak lagi manfaat komputer yang lainya seiring terus berkembangnya tekhnologi komputer.

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Cara Buat Favicon

Apa itu Favicon? Favicon Adalah Icon/Gambar yang ada pada address bar atau tab bar pada web browser. cara Buat Favicon Cukup mudah Silakan Ikuti Langkah-langkah berikut :
1.Anda bisa pakai gambar yang ada di internet/bisa cari dengan mesin pencari Atau juga bisa simpan gambar karya anda di flickr lalu copy full url nya .

2.Log in ke Blogger Lalu klik tata letak dan edit HTML.

3.Copy dan paste Kode Berikut Dan letakan Di Atas Kode </head>

<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>

4.Ganti link yang berwarna Biru dengan full Link url yang anda cari di internet atau gambar anda yang anda taruh di flickr Atau hosting gambar lainya .

5.Setelah selesai lalu Klik save temlpate.

6.Selesai ... Lalu anda tinggal liat hasilnya ..

Otomotif Template

Red Car Blogger Template


Download Template 2 Kolom

Blogger Templates -SunFlower


Blogger Templates - Grass


San fransisco Template


Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

cara cek pagerank

Bagi anda yang belum tau apa itu pagerank .Pagerank adalah semacam alat pengukur bagi google dan pengunjung website/blog anda akan seberapa ‘populernya’ blog anda ini.

Semakin tinggi pagerank web/blog anda, maka akan semakin senang robot dari search engine datang ‘menyambangi’ blog anda.

Tinggi Rendahnya Pagerank ADalah dari seberapa banyak situs yang memasang link di blog anda . Semakin banyak situs yang mengarahkan link kesitus anda semakin tinggi pula pagerank blog anda .

Cara Mengukur seberapa tingginya pagerank Blog anda Bisa Di Cek di sini
Selamat Mencoba ..hehehehe

Cara pasang Meta tag

Apa itu Meta Tag ? Meta tag Adalah suatu informasi penting yang menjadi kata kunci sebuah blog . Agar memudahkan mesin mencari Kata kunci web/blog anda .Meta tag Perlu keberadaanya karena untuk menyampaikan keyword/kata kunci kepada mesin pencari tentans isi dari suatu blog.

Berikut adalah bagaimana cara memasang meta tag. Memasang meta tag di blog cukup mudah . Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :
Copy paste Kode di bawah ini Dan letakan meta tag tersebut di bawah kode .<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> Dan jangan lupa mengubah Deskripsi yang berwarna biru sesuai dengan deskripsi blog anda .

<meta content=' Tulis deskirpsi blog anda disini' name='description'/>
<meta content='Kata kunci 1,Kata Kunci 2.Dan seterusnya.' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>

Keterangan Meta Tag:
-Ganti kode tulis deskripsi blog anda di sini dengan deskripsi blog anda.
-Dan ganti kode Kata kunci 1,Kata Kunci 2.Dan seterusnya Dengan kata kunci yang sesuai dengan blog anda.

Selamat mencoba........................

Cara Pasang Shoutmix atau Kotak Komentar

Cara Pasang Shoutmix
ShoutBox Atau Shoutmix adalah kotak komentar yang berguna untuk menampung komentar atau sekedar untuk blogwalking. Shoutmix sering kali digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang pernah mengunjungi suatu blog dengan cara meninggalkan komentar. Beberapa orang bahkan menggunakannya sebagai ajang untuk promosi blog atau produk yang dimiliki. Kalau untuk orang yang lagi iseng, bisa juga digunakan untuk menggoda pemilik blog tersebut :D.

Sebenarnya bagaimana cara memasang shoutbox/shoutmix ini sangat mudah lho. Langsung saja tanpa basa-basi saya akan lansung kasih tau caranya gimana cara buat shoutbox.

Ikuti Langkah Berikut

1.Langkah pertama kita harus registrasi terlebih dahulu. Klik atau Klik Disini untuk Langsung Menuju form pendaftaran.

2.Isilah form pendaftaran dengan data diri anda.
  • Shoutbox ID : isikan dengan nama anda
  • Choose password: isikan dengan paswod yang anda inginkan
  • Retype password: isikan ulang dengan paswod yang tadi anda masukan pada Form choose password 
  • Name: isikan Dengan nama anda
  • Email: isikan dengan email anda

3.Lalu Klik radio buton Yang Ada sebelum teks I have read and agree to the Terms of Service.
Dan Klik Continue.

4.Setelah Itu Klik get code Untuk Mendapatkan Scipt html.

5.Copy kode tersebut ke blog anda.
-Login ke blogger
-Setelah Itu Klik Menu TATA LETAK
-Lalu Pilih HTML
-Lalu paste kode tersebut
-Tinggal Save dan pemasangan selesai.

Selamat Mencoba!

Cara buat flash efek

Dalam postingan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara membuat Flash efeks ecara sederhana . kali ini saya memakai situs pihak ketiga .apa itu flas efek ? flash efek adalah sejenis teks yang bergerak-gerak untuk misalnya pesan selamat datang atau untuk sekedar menampilkan nama anda . tanpa banyak basa-basi .langsung saja ikuti langkah berikut:

Ikuti lankah-langkah berikut ini :
2.Klik menu flash effects pada situs tersebut
3.Isi form yang di sediakan di situs tersebut
4.Klikk get widget untuk mendapatkan kode.
5.Selanjutnya log In ke blogger .lalu paste kode tadi ke dalam blog.

Hasil Flash effects

Selamat mencoba

Cara pasang video di blog

Dalam postingan kali ini saya Om deni Akan Membahas Cara Pasang Video Di Blog.HEHEHE...Cara pasang video di blog Cukup Mudah
Yaitu tinggal kunjungi saja situs-situs penyedia video
Misalnya Saja YOUTUBE Tinggal Copy paste saja kode Embed nya Mudahkan ?
Atau Anda ingin posting video koleksi sendiri tinggal daftar saja di youtube . Klik menu signup
Setelah itu isi form pendaftaran .
setelah selesai Klik menu upload . tinggal upload video koleksi pribadi anda Dan copy paste kode embednya :
Mudah Bukan
Berikut adalah video yang saya ambil Dari

Cara Pasang jam di blog

Dalam postingan kali ini saya akan membahas bagaimana cara memasang jam Di blog . Tanpa banyak basa-basi yang akhirnya nanti basi beneran .hehehehe .Di indonesia ini terbagi dalam 3 bagian zona waktu Yaitu Waktu indonesia barat,timur dan tengah, Jadi perlu disesuaikan dengan zona waktu di daerah anda . Ikuti langkah berikut :

1.Login ke blogger.

2.Klik Tatat Letak.

3.Klik Tambah Gadget.

4.Pilih HTML/javascript.

5.Kemudian Pilih zona waktu daerah sobat dan copy paste kode jam di bawah ini.

Copy Paste Kode Berikut Untuk Zona waktu WIB


Copy Paste Kode Berikut Untuk Zona waktu WITA


Untuk Zona Waktu indonesia tengah mohon maaf belum tersedia . Untuk Mendapatkan desain jam yang lebih menarik silakan Kunjungi situs , Tersedia juga jam bentuk digital atau analog dengan beberapa type.

Selamat Mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat

Cara Menampilkan kode html dalam postingan

Cukup mudah menampilkan kode HTML Dalam postingan Blog. Ada dua cara untuk melakukanya ? yaitu dengan cara membuat teks area atau mem Parse kode HTML Yang anda ingin posting.
Cara Pertama Dengan Cara Membuat teks Area:
Untuk Membuat teks area silakan copy kode berikut ini

<p align="center"><textarea name="code" rows="6" cols="20"> Tulis Kode html disini</textarea></p>
Contoh Hasil Dari kode diatas

rows="6" : Adalah tinggi tinggi teks area tersebut .bisa anda ubah dengan angka yang lebih tinggi jika anda ingin menambah tinggi teks area tersebut.

Cols="20" :Menunjukan lebar teks area tadi , dan bisa juga anda rubah ke angka yang lebih tinggi .

<p align="center"> : Menunjukan bahwa teks area berada di tengah . Jika anda ingin ingin teks area tersebut berada di sebelah kiri silakan rubah kata center menjadi left Dan jika anda ingin merubahnya menjadi di sebelah kanan tinggal rubah saja kode tadi menjadi right.

Cara ke dua yaitu dengan memparse Kodo html yang anda ingin tampilkan .

Ikuti langkah berikut :

Klik atau Klik Disini

Lalu copy kode yang ingin anda tampilkan Ke situs tersebut .
Setelah itu klik tombol parse yang ada di bagian bawah.
selanjutnya tingal copy ke postingan blog anda kode hasil parse tadi . Mudah kan....hehehe

Selamat mencoba

Download Template 3 Kolom

Silverline template


Club Red Template


News Blog Template


Futebol template


Black Sapphire Template


Detachable Template


Familiar Template


Cara Pasang Musik Di Blog

Dalam postingan kali ini saya deni sahlan akan memberi sedikit tips tentang bagaimana memasang musik di blog .hehehe sok pinter ye ? Caranya cukup mudah sekali .. yang perlu di lakukan hanyalah mengcopy code HTML Berikut .

Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut

Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Shop Of The Week: Noadi's Art

There's a genuine love and passion behind the scupture and jewelry that you find swimming at Noadi's. Cephalopods, fossils, crabs, and other denizens of the sea fill this shop and artist Sheryl Westleigh wouldn't have it any other way. A 27 year old Maine native, Sheryl's love for science and these unique and intelligent creatures inspires every one of her original, polymer clay creations.

From intricately tentacled steampunk cephalopods bristling with gears to quirky specimen jar pendants and platypus ornaments, you can find the perfect gift for the science lover in your life, or for yourself, in this unique shop.

Sheryl says, " I really do love the subjects I base my creations on.It's really wonderful that I've found an outlet for it that sells, and that allows me to bring in my other interests."

In addition to the Etsy Twitter Team, Sheryl is also a member of Seller Helping Sellers on Etsy, and has plenty of tips for those wanting to use Twitter as a means of promoting work and building your business.
"Make strategic use of autoposting of new items and deals. No more than 3 new items at a time. When I have deals that are scheduled to autopost, I do it no more than once every 4 hours. That seems to be a frequency that gets enough attention from my followers without becoming annoying. I also network with others who share my interests in science, etc, outside of the Etsy community, and that has led to sales. "

Sheryl's favorite thing about her art? "That I can do it for a living. And working with polymer clay is a joy, too. I love the stuff! Its so versatile." But marine animals and polymer clay aren't her only loves- she has a beautiful llama named Lauren, as well.

Noadi ships internationally to the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of Europe. Visit Noadi's Art at or find her on:


Free stamped octopus cards with every order, no code needed.

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

It's All in the Name...

If the stresses of the season are catching up with you, cruise over to FoxyG's Den of i-knit-quity
for some fun stories behind the Etsy shop names of team members ( and a few others, too!).
You can find the blog post here:
and if your holiday shopping is yet to be completed, there's still time to do it the handmade way. Most shops are still shipping for the holidays, and offer expedited shipping options for those worried that Santa's sleigh may not make it in time for Christmas. Stay tuned to the blog for posts this week that are sure to help overworked elves get their shopping completed with just the right gifts ;)

Snowflake Fantasy: Team Treasury

Created by

Expires December 16th

Please click and comment!

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Handmade Holiday -The Handmade Holiday Gift Guide

Need some great ideas for the holidays? Looking for that ever-elusive perfect present for friends, family, and Great-Aunt Nellie? Than look no farther than the Handmade Gift Guide! Profiling artisans and gifts for every occasion, the Guide is the perfect one-stop directory of great ideas.

Right now, you can shop the Guide's Handmade Holiday sale for great deals on items as special as the people on your list. Visit the Guide's Participants page for a list of all the shops and the special discounts they are offering, and don't delay, as the sale only runs through today, 12/12.

See you there!


Kamis, 10 Desember 2009

With Love- A Peppermint Twist from The Etsy Twitter Team

FoxyG, the genius behind FoxyG's Den of I-Knit-Quity, offers up a delicious peppermint twist on her blog today, from tasty goodness like the candy cane marshmallows above, by VintageConfections, to striped and toasty scarves perfect to wrap around those you love, like
<--------------this one by Kimwhitecreations!
For more candy striped gift ideas,
where there are links and ideas for everybody on your list!

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Shop Of The Week: JusShar Designs

Brr! Winter's chill is in the air even here in Atlanta, and that means getting out the warm toasty goodness of my fav pair of fingerless gloves. It also means its time to pay a visit to Jusshar Designs. This snuggly Etsy shop is brimful of hats, scarves, fingerless gloves, shrugs and more, all designed with enough flair to keep winter's worst at bay in style.

Owner Beth Newbern-Hallam loves the satisfaction of taking a "skein or two of yarn and creating something from it. I'm also really beginning to appreciate the process of making yarn. I've been slowly starting to take raw fleece and spin it into yarn. I haven't done enough to actually make something with it because there is so much involved. I have a new respect for spinners!"
Beth gathers inspiration from everywhere. "Every time I see a show, movie, or commercial with fiber creations in it, I think to myself...."bookmark that idea for later". Sometimes I can't sit back and enjoy the movie for all the fiber seeking I'm doing.
Mainly, though, I knit and crochet because I absolutely love to do it. It's almost like I HAVE to do it to feel right with the world."
A growing fondness for the warm beauty of Icelandic wool is fueling Beth's newest interest in working with raw fleece.
"Icelandic sheep are gorgeous animals, and their wool is so incredibly soft. I haven't dyed any of it yet, because I really like the earthy tones ...reds, browns, and blacks are my favorites."
Jusshar Designs is happy to ship internationally as well as create custom items. "I absolutely adore making the sweater shrugs that I have listed as a custom item in my shop! I was surprised at how popular they are with brides."
Beautiful handknits and crocheted pieces make fabulous gifts, so now's the time to take advantage of the discount below:
10% off For Fans of Jusshar on Facebook, With
Free Shipping in the US and Discounted Rates for Those Outside
The US.
Visit JusShar Designs:
Follow Jusshar on Twitter:

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

Senin, 30 November 2009

Shop Of the Week : Yarn Coture

Exquisitely knitted creations take center stage in YarnCoture. The shop is filled with amazing pieces that will have you looking forward to weather cold enough to wear them!

Owner Maryum Karim says, "I try to offer a wide variety of designs to appeal to a broad spectrum of buyers. I love to create custom designs as well as OOAK (one-of-a-kind) items in order to provide a personal shopping experience for my customers. Every item is made with great care and will not bear the Yarncoture name until I feel that it's just right. I am constantly educating myself on new knitting and crocheting techniques to improve my craft. "

In addition to scarves, shawls, and fingerless gloves, Maryum also offers vintage inspired designs. "My favorite pieces that I make are my Vintage Inspired Ascot neckties... I just love the simplicity of the design! "

Maryum admits that inspirations for her stylish creations come from everywhere. "I can have a dream about a design and then wake up and create it that same day. On the other hand, a set of beautiful vintage buttons or really funky novelty yarn may inspire me to make something new. A medley of my vintage patterns collection or just a simple knit or crochet pattern coupled with my special touch will sometimes do the trick. It all depends on what mood I'm in!"

A self-taught knitter, Maryum's passion for her craft is another source of inspiration. "there's always a new technique, stitch pattern, a new yarn fiber, or design to try or learn. I love the way the yarn feels as it glides off my knitting needles or how quickly I can crochet a beautiful flower. I also love the fact that I have been teaching my 2 daughters to knit and crochet, and have even featured some of their finished pieces in my shop! Being able to pass these ancient crafts down to my daughers has truly been a joy! "

Maryum admits that its sometimes difficult to balance all the areas of her busy life, so her favorite twitter trick is using her shop Facebook Page to update twitter as well. " I love to tweet, however lately I have been swamped preparing for an upcoming craft show as well as custom orders. Tweeting through my Facebook fan page saves me a lot of time and enables me to allow my fans as well as fellow "Twitteroos" to sneak a first peek at new items in my shop. I usually tweet about my day and sometimes ask fellow Twitterers about theirs. Watching what others are saying also helps me to get a feel for my audience and what a potential buyer may be looking for. "

YarnCoture offers unique gift ideas for everyone on your gift list, including great accessories for those hard-to buy-for men on your list, and ships both domestic and international.

Free standard worldwide shipping for every item in my shop. This special offer will be available through December. Priority Mail and Express mail services will be available for an additional charge.
Follow YarnCoture:

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

Kamis, 26 November 2009

BOOM! The Etsy Twitter Team Launches Shopping Season with a Bang!

This is it! The start of the shopping season.
What better way to shop for gifts this year than by sitting back in your PJs, with a cup of cocoa with marshmallows, and browsing the amazing discounts and deals being offered this weekend by the members of the Etsy Twitter Team?
Now is the PERFECT time to find a beautiful, handcrafted cowl for Aunt Margery, who hasn't been pleased with a gift since 1957, or stock up on luscious soaps that make perfect stocking stuffers, or to just find that ONE perfect gift that is as special as the person on your list.

Grab a throw and a comfy chair, and leave the 3AM mall calls to those less in the know ;)
Happy Thanksgiving from all the members of the Etsy Twitter Team!

FREE SHIPPING 11/27 - 11/30 in both shops.

LindaB's Beaded Jewelry
Etsytwitter 22% off purchases totaling $8 Please put “Tweet” in notes to seller

Art by Betty Refour
Original art will be 50% off. No code needed - discount will be given as a refund. starts 11/27 and ends Monday, 11/30 at midnight CDT.

Buy More- Save More:
Up to $10 10% off
$10 to $20 15% off
$20 to $30 20% off
$30 to $40 25% off
over $40 30% off
Discounts will be given via paypal refund- or convo for a reserved listing or a revised invoice! ♥♥
Plus, DOTD (deals of the day) starting tomorrow

Constellation Photo
Buy on get one FREE on all 8x10 prints and 5x7 prints! Of equal or lesser value. Simply list your choice of print in the comments to seller during checkout.
Spend $75.00 or more and your items will ship FREE!

Black Friday through Cyber Monday SALE:
Buy any Incognito e-book and get a free Patchy Pin Pillow e-book for FREE!
Buy 1 Incognito Wallet get FREE SHIPPING!
Buy any 4 Incognito Wallets get the 5th FREE!
Buy 2 seat belt covers, get FREE SHIPPING
Buy any 3 seat belt covers, get the 4th FREE!
Sale ends Monday night at midnight.

Free shipping on orders over $40.00

Free Worldwide Shipping across the entire shop.

Safiya Beauty
BOGO sale in my Etsy shop 11/26-11/30. It's Buy One Get One 50% off the entire shop. Just enter 'Black Friday' in notes to seller and the discount will be refunded via PayPal.

Black Friday - Cyber Monday is BOGO. Buy one pinback button, get another of your choice for free by entering BOGO and your button choice.

Threepeats Jewelry
Friday, November 27th and lasting through December, free worldwide shipping. Prices already adjusted.

10% off (less shipping) on all items in shop, including sales items. Payment will be refunded via PayPal after the transaction is completed.

PurpleLemon Designs
Free Worldwide shipping Black Friday - Cyber Monday. No codes needed. Shipping will already be removed.


on all items in shop.Shipping has been adjusted.

free worldwide shipping in my shop from now through to Fri 4th December with a code TEAMBLOG

Buy One Get One Half Off, Nov 27 - through Monday, Nov 30.
Use code BOGO.

Free US Shipping and Holiday Sale Section.

Firebirdhouse Designs
30% off TOTAL purchases over $25, 11/27 - 11/30
Free US and Canadian Shipping thru the end of the year.

Free shipping on the weekend

Facebook Fans get at total of 20% off of the purchase price, and free shipping within the US (25% off outside the US).
Everyone else receives 10% off the purchase price.

Free Worldwide Shipping on everything in my Etsy and Artfire shops! AND, spend $100 or more to receive an additional 10% off your entire order :) Happy shopping!

Free Worldwide Shipping on all orders

Mikiye Creations
Buy one item and get 1/2 off the second of equal or lesser value on all items over $20.00.
Price difference will be refunded though PayPal.

PunkyJane Jewelry
FREE STANDARD WORLDWIDE SHIPPING Friday thru Monday on my entire shop with the code 'EtsyTwitter' in the message to seller box. Shipping will be refunded via PayPal.

Free Shipping on orders over $50. 10% EXTRA OFF ANY Xmas ORNAMENT
10% off any bracelet over $50
$100 off my desert painting
Please put "Happy Thanksgiving" in Notes to seller to receive PayPal rebate if applies.

$5.00 off any handmade piece in my shop
3.00 off sale prices on my sterling chains which are already on sale
Code to use is ET-BFCM-5/3; prices will be adjusted and a specific Paypal request will be emailed out.
11/27 - 11/30

Free worldwide shipping until Monday. Prices will be marked down already so there's no need for a code.

My Black Friday Sale Section
will have 4 sets of multi colored glass pearl earrings on sale for $7 each, while supplies last, limit 4 per customer, limited quantities available, sale will end Monday Nov. 30th at midnight. ALSO entire Etsy store will have free worldwide shipping, No codes necessary.

Cup Cozies are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!
Scarves are BUY ONE, GET ONE 1/2 PRICED!
Use coupon code -BOGOHOLIDAYS
Custom orders are part of this deal and more than welcomed!!
Please note these deals are for the lesser or equal amount of the second item chosen. It will be refunded through PayPal within 24 hours of purchase. Buyers are responsible for shipping and handling of all items purchased (please see special rates for second items). Priority mail rates are available for US customers only.

Sale running now through Cyber Monday of free shipping when you purchase $50 or more.

FREE US Domestic Shipping on all US purchases and additional items (2+) ship FREE for international customers 11/26 -11/30.

Free Gift with every purchase. Sale starts 11/25 and runs to 11/30.

Pendants marked down to $5.00 each in my store.

I'm offering free domestic shipping and 1/2 off int'l shipping 11/27-11/30. There are no coupon codes to enter. All items will reflect the free and 1/2 off shipping. A free bar of soap (randomly chosen) will be included with every gift set purchase! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :)