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Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

"Go Green" Tweets & Tips

As we are the Etsy TWITTER Team, I thought it would be fun to ask our team for tweets about how they Go Green in their lives and businesses. They sent me some really great tweets!! Enjoy! I hope you learn something new today from our wonderful artists!

Don't know what a "tweet" is? A "tweet" is what you post to Twitter. It can only be 140 characters or less. It's like a mini-blog.

Note to self: Kitchen looks like transfer station. Take bottles, cans, jars and papers down to recycling station.

On Twitter @JusShar

Reuse coffee cans & glass jars w/lids for storing sewing notions.

Upcycle outgrown unwanted clothes into new clothing or accessories. Refashioning.

Reuse plastic containers for food leftover storage instead of buying new storage containers.

On Twitter @herbanlifestyle

I've reduced my household garbage to 1 small kitchen bag per week by composting & recycling everything that I can and avoiding overpackaging

I use only organic and natural ingredients in my bath & body products - never petrochemicals, artificial fragrances, chemical preservatives

I never throw away clothing that I don't want anymore - I give it away to Goodwill or to friends & family, or use it for some other purpose

Re-purpose items, don't toss them. I cut and sew together cereal boxes to use as mailing envelopes.

Buy locally grown, organic food. It's better for you, your community, and the environment.

Bring your own bags when you shop for anything, not only food.

I don’t run the water when I’m brushing my teeth.

I turn off my computer completely @ night.

Wash laundry in cold water.

On Twitter @mymothersgarden

I compost all of my veggie, fruit discards and garden cuttings.This makes the BEST fertilizing compost for my flower and veggie garden.

I use recycled shipping supplies for all of my Etsy orders.Contact local stores to see if they'd like to start a recycling exchange w you

I reuse bubble wrap, envelopes and other packaging I receive from my online shopping.

I recycle newspapers, cans, bottles, milk gallons and have begun using milk bottle rings in my jewelry.

I give my newspaper sleeves to a friend who makes crocheted bags out of recycled plastic bags.

GoGreen Tip: I turn AOL CDs, Aluminum Cans, junkmail, & found objects into upcycled art objects and home decor

Replace all home light fixtures with Compact Fluorescent or LED bulbs; carry GREEN shopping bag everywhere-even to Subway at lunchtime

GoGreen Tip: Please sign this petition to ban plastic bags to reduce oil dependency AND buy #handmade

I compost my kitchen scraps and use the compost for my veggie garden :]

I walk to the grocery store and use public transit as much as possible.

I buy 100% recycled paper toilet paper and paper towels.

On Twitter @amandapreske

To have a smaller footprint when shipping, I like to reuse mailers and bubble wrap, and use recycled kraft paper to package kits.

When I make my circuit board jewelry, I always use old circuit boards and e-cycle the left over bits.

All paper used in processing orders is made from recycled materials and all paper scraps are reused.

Don't forget we're having a huge sale and scavenger hunt for Go Green with the Etsy Twitter Team until July 27th!! There's a scavenger hunt going on, too, with fabulous "green" prizes for 5 lucky folks!

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