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Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Evolution = Revolution?

The current state of society and the world is stuck in a colonial mentally that hasn’t moved forward. There is enough of everything for everyone, the problem is that greed, power and ego has meant fairness, equality and transparency does not exist, though the illusion that it does does remains. Governments are meant to reflect the people’s voice but instead service to self rather than service to others is the action.

“This is my country” proclaimed Hosni Mubarak, as his superego refused to back down. The people fought back and got the result they wanted and rightly deserved. Times are changing and people are waking up to the numerous injustices. As I stated in my last article, many societies have been “built on shaky foundations”; the government documents exposed by WikiLeaks provided further insight into the dealings and interactions that are hidden, opening our eyes and leaving a bad taste in all our mouths.

Those who are in positions of representing the people are privileged and as the people in Egypt have shown, that privilege if abused can be taken away as a collective working together with one voice and one goal. It can be done. It has been done. The beginning of an end has taken place and maybe...just maybe the  impact of this event may create a butterfly effect elsewhere. Revolution may well be a sign of evolution. Who knows!

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© 2011 Lisa Bent 

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