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Selasa, 15 Agustus 2006

EasyBib: Automatic Bibliography Composer

EasyBib: Free Automatic Bibliography Composer - MLA and APA formatting

Most college students take at least one, and often a couple of English classes before they get into my geography classes. So, you would think (or at least I would) that they would know how to create bibliographic references for the more formal papers that require. However, I am amazed how many have no clue on how to write a reference -- and I am actually very liberal in terms of the format I will accept.

Well, here is a tool that I am now linking to in my classes. It leads students through the information they need to know to create a proper reference, and then actually creates it for them in MLA format. (APA format requires upgrading to a paid version of the service.)

My guess is that after they have used this tool a few times they will figure out how to do themselves, which is probably the faster way to do it.

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