Cari Blog Ini

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Handy Twitter Tools: TweetBurner

I came across this Handy Twitter Tool in my usual daily tweeting, and I have been using it for a few months. I love it! TweetBurner allows me to track the number of times a link in a tweet has been clicked.

To use it go to the main webpage: and use it to shorten the URL that you want to track. Copy the URL it gives you and then use that shortened URL in your tweet. It will track the number of times the URL has been clicked. I track almost all of my tweet links in this way.

It’s a good idea to create an account with them, too.

You also get a time stamp for when the tweet was tweeted. This information is useful to track when you post tweets and how many clicks you get during certain time periods. Aggregate this info and you can get a clear picture of when the best times to tweet your links are.

But here is the good part. It will track that URL anywhere on the web – if it gets sent in an email, put on a blog, or retweeted. Anywhere on the web your TweetBurner URL goes it will have clicks tracked! So use the URLs they give you to track blog link clicks and ad link clicks.

The page you look at to see your tracking is the “Archive” page. Here is a screen shot of mine.

If you click the little bar graph next to your tweets on the Archive page you can see when the clicks took place in a little graph!

Some of the pages on TweetBurner are disabled right now as they are upgrading. I’ve been waiting to tell you about this site until they did the upgrade but it doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon. I didn’t want to wait anymore to tell you about this great tool!

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